Are any of you related to conservative bigots?

2015-12-25 5:33 pm
If so, how do you put up with them? My father s got an attitude thinking he s always right and if I try to argue with him he gets in an angry mood and I end up feeling guilty. It alone is just exhausting to argue with him but I can t take his super ego.

He thinks he's always right cause he's thinking "objectively"

回答 (21)

2015-12-25 5:45 pm
You've told us nothing about what you argue about. Calling him a conservative bigot instantly turns half the people here against you. Considering this, you sound like an ignorant liberal kid who's chosen their political affiliation to directly conflict with that of their parent.

Also, I hate both parties equally, so expect balanced judgement.
2015-12-25 5:35 pm
Stop trying to argue with him.
2015-12-25 10:51 pm
I have relatives who hold polar opposite beliefs. There is no sense in discussing any of it, because you won't ever convince them. Just avoid the subject(s) and change the discussion to anything else, and then minimize contact with your friends. That's all you can do. They're adults, they have the right to believe whatever they believe - and thankfully, so do you.
2015-12-25 8:43 pm
Just be true to yourself.
You are not responsible for anyone else's behaviour
2015-12-25 6:32 pm
You don't have to argue with him. In fact, it might be an argument that he's trying to draw you into. Don't fall for it. He's just trying to "win" something. My entire family are conservative - and I'm the "black sheep." I wear that label with pride.
2015-12-25 5:40 pm
My father is a conservative, but he respects all people, even liberals.
2015-12-25 5:42 pm
Nothing to feel guilty about. If he want to spew inflammatory statements he should be ready to take rebuttals.
2015-12-26 10:20 pm
I am a conservative white man married to a conservative black NO

The ONLY racial comments we have ever heard have been from DEMOCRAT bigots.
2015-12-26 2:41 pm
2015-12-25 5:37 pm
It always been great and the president did not make it that way .....the working people of America did....and the word Free....
2015-12-25 5:36 pm
My parents threw me out of the house for being gay. They are both dead now. My father regretted his decision and we reconciled. I am glad my mother is dead.
2015-12-25 5:34 pm
black people are subhuman filth
2015-12-28 7:54 pm
You sound just like the person you describe, in that no other opinion is to be expressed than yours. Think about it.
2015-12-28 6:25 pm
My friend, everyone thinks they are right. Don't waste your time in proving them wrong. The best way to have fun with them is by asking them leading questions that will sabotage their own rational. Sooner or later they will get upset at themselves for not being able to answer your questions.
If you have a subject that he likes to defend, share it with us and I will show you examples.
2015-12-28 5:41 pm
If I do, I have no idea who they are. That's one advantage of having family spread out over the country.
2015-12-27 8:38 pm
My mom and sister say I'm a conservative ahole. They say I'm racist because I like to joke around a lot. Hahahahahahah
2015-12-27 5:22 am
There seems to be a stigma with conservatives that they're all "close-minded" and "racist" all because you see those types of conservatives all over the media. I can assure you, that most conservatives (like myself, an 18 year old white female) are not racist and close-minded. Even know your dad acts similarly, you cannot categorize us into bigots. I've met a lot of dumbass liberals in my lifetime who has been equally as racist and stupid. I support gay marriage, minority rights, but I'm a conservative more economically and a little bit on other social topics. We're not all the same, and my conservative relatives don't act this way. If he's really that annoying just ignore him. That's what I do with stupid liberals.
2015-12-27 12:38 am
my dad talks about the government or elected officials I exit immediately.
2015-12-25 9:37 pm
Parents always behave this way. They are the parents. To think the way they do. Just listen and you think what you think.
2015-12-25 5:46 pm
2015-12-25 5:36 pm
A few.

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