Can I use an enema after c section.?

2015-12-25 11:00 am
I had a c section on the twenty second. I haven't had a vowel movement since Monday and I've only passed gas once (so that I could eat).. i am desperate for some relief. Is an enema a terrible idea ? It's the last result. I've tried positions.. Prune juice and gas x. For relief.

回答 (3)

2015-12-25 12:00 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Enema may be your answer but if you've never done it it could be awkward especially since your recovering from surgery. I'd pick up a bottle of miralax as well. Post surgery constipation is no joke! If you are still taking pain meds of ease off those, as they a constipation culprits. Walking around and drinking plenty of water wouldn't be a bad idea as well.
參考: GI nurse
2015-12-25 11:04 am
Eat All Bran for breakfast. Prune juice is no good. Whole prunes would be. Eat lots of fresh fruit and fibre and all will be peace and light.
2015-12-25 11:03 am
You need a Glycerin suppository, one up the bum and you should go in 10 minutes.
This is far safer than an enema. Talk to your Pharmacist.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 16:01:13
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