Does my dad love me?

2015-12-25 9:34 am
He verbally abuses my mom,calls her name, put her down for whatever reason. He only talks to me when he needs something, today i wrapped a gift and when we gave it to the person he said "sorry about the bad wrapping they dont know to wrap" (talking about me" i can't understand why he treats me lower , or puts me down, i cant stop crying because i don't know what ive done wrong for him to treat me so badly. I feel worthless

回答 (6)

2016-10-29 4:07 am
Does My Dad Love Me
2015-12-25 9:28 pm
you shouldnt feel worthless cause god dont make junk, maybe you should go live with your friends , you might be better off
2015-12-25 12:57 pm
Yes he loves you, but unfortunately even our closest family can be insensitive. The way he treats you and your mother is not right.Try not to let his comments get to you and at the same time try not to depend on him for your happiness. You could try talking to him about how you feel, but I would not expect him to change over night. In fact, he might take offense and distance himself even more for a while. Remember, It is nothing that you have done wrong! The way people treat you is a reflection of themselves. He is likely experiencing his own issues that he takes out on you and your mom. Try not to take it personally. Take comfort in any supportive relationship you can, such as with your mom, friend, or any other relative. Speak to a counselor about how you feel. Your feelings are legitimate! But don't allow his negative treatment to dictate your self worth. You are an amazing being. It was very nice of you to wrap a gift for your dad. Good luck to you Hun.
2015-12-25 10:31 am
Very much
2015-12-25 9:52 am
He is not a nice dad at all. Time for you and your mum to say goodbye to him and seek a more peaceful, loving and happier lives without him.
2015-12-25 9:51 am
you and your mom are victims of abuse Your mom is so beaten down she has nothing of herself left. Best I can do is give you the encouragement to get help. Get educated on abuse. go to a school counselor or teacher tell your story You do not have to live like this. Your family needs help. Getting help (telling) will only do good. Your dad may just need some parenting classes. He may not have had a good example of a father. and husband.
2015-12-25 9:38 am
You don't deserve to be treated that and neither does your mom. I advise you to contact the police station and tell them about your dad because what he is doing to you and your mom is not okay at all!

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