Minor and adult friends?

2015-12-25 4:24 am
He's 13 years older, and we don't know each other in person, we just Skype and text and stuff. He lives in a different state, and we're really close, but just as friends. Is there anything wrong with this?

回答 (3)

2015-12-25 4:34 am
As long as there is nothing sexually happening IF the younger person is under the age of consent where they live it's OK
Talking is legal
2015-12-25 4:27 am
Nothing wrong, you can be friendly with a new born baby also.
2015-12-25 4:26 am
Yes. That is very odd for an adult to have an online relationship with a 13 year old child whom he does not know.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 16:01:15
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