How do you celebrate Christmas Day?

2015-12-25 4:00 am

回答 (8)

2015-12-25 4:04 am
I can choose between crying myself to sleep and watching hot gay movie
2015-12-26 4:25 am
By spending the day with family and friends
2015-12-25 8:59 am
With family and friends.
2015-12-25 7:23 am
by relaxing
2015-12-25 5:43 am
With my family and boyfriend. We have dinner, play games later on, watch movies, and just enjoy the simplicity of each other's company.
2015-12-25 4:30 am
Have fun with my family and friends.
2015-12-25 4:19 am
By opening presents
2015-12-25 4:12 am
Decorations, Christmas themed music, dinner and playing/using presents.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 16:01:58
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