She should dump him, right?

2015-12-25 3:28 am
My best friend, me & another girl we recently befriended just turned 17. We feel for this girl so we took her under our wings. She's clueless when it comes to makeup, dressing nice, excorsizing, parties, etc. anyways we all have boyfriends & decided to throw a lavish sweet seventeen bday party for the 3 of us at my vacation home in staten island. we took her shopping for a nice party dress, jewelry, shoes. The party was fun.she enjoyed herself, met new people, &looked amazing. We decided to do presents when everyone was mostly gone. Her bf just got her a hat from her fav baseball team, flowers & a cheap tennis bracelet (prob like 100-150). Our boyfriends on the other hand bought things like
-Chanel sunglasses
-Tiffany earrings
-new handbags (mine from Givenchy, hers from Louis Vuitton)
-Juicy couture &Marc Jacobs perfumes
- Victorias secret & Sephora giftcards
- & new loubitons

See the difference? It's not like Her boyfriend is that poor.he drives a mustang so surely he can afford more then a few cheap gifts from local mall outlets. And you can't say "don't try to change her, shes her own person" or whatever bc SHE came to US. She admired us and we thought she was a pretty girl with potential so she could be part of our group. But it's more than just a clique bc now I consider her a close friend. I really think she should find a better guy. He's just not good enough for her. I care about her & if she really wants to live our lifestyle shell have to upgrade, am I wrong?

回答 (4)

2015-12-25 4:12 am
✔ 最佳答案
Absolutely she should dump him!
2015-12-25 3:31 am
Wow ... So you base your friends on the money they spend. Totally wrong.
2015-12-25 3:30 am
You're extremely wrong, having a relationship with someone isn't about gifts, you're extremely shallow to think it is.
2015-12-25 3:31 am
No you're right, he sounds gross anyways

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