My bf best friend threatened me pls help?

2015-12-25 12:16 am
My boyfriend of 2 years has this friend. There rlly close like best friends and I've used to be close to him too,plus his gf is one of my close friends. So anyway I was at a party w/ his gf and some of our friends and we all got rlly drunk so I ended up leaving the party without her so on my way home I ran into him and was rlly drunk and he got so mad at me that I left her there athat he started screaming at me calling me a f***ing wh*** and a spoiled b**** and that I'd be punished. Then he pushed me and started slapping my a** and groping me when i said stop. This was 2 nights ago and I'm rlly scared what do I do?!! Do I tell someone pls help.

回答 (2)

2015-12-25 12:19 am
✔ 最佳答案
Certinaly you must tell your boyfriend, so that he can ensure that you do not come into contact with this person again alone. That said, he was drunk and may not even have realised or remember what he was saying. So what even if he did? If he gets out of control he can hardly expect people to take him seriously.
2015-12-25 12:28 am
Yes definitely tell someone! This is unacceptable. You need to tell him it's not acceptable for him to grope you. Also, tell your friends. Help me with this question:

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