Is it easy to buy a home?

2015-12-24 3:19 pm
Sorry if this sounds silly.
I have lived in a council home about all my life and when I am older I desperately want to buy a home of my own. I know banks can give you loans but would you recommend buying? Or would it just be easier to find a council property?

Is it easy to get a housing association property?

回答 (8)

2015-12-24 4:05 pm
You won't get a council house in the UK. You would could wait for 20 years or more, families come first.
You would have to rent privately and start saving up for a deposit for a mortgage.
2015-12-24 5:56 pm
You have no hope of getting a council property, it is easier to win the lottery than get one of those, so your options are to work hard, save hard and purchase your own property or to privately rent
2015-12-25 5:41 pm
to buy your own home requires you have money, probable money saved up for a down payment, a good job and good credit
without these, continue to rent
2015-12-24 3:51 pm
2015-12-24 3:19 pm
2015-12-24 3:19 pm
2015-12-24 3:32 pm
no it isn't we have lost an awful lot of skill based jobs through capitalism buying in is cheaper so we have menial minimum wage jobs in retail and the service industry these are impossible to own a home to get out of the poverty trap in general with so it is not you we don't build council houses under capitalism we create landlords where people with money can make money out of you and you spend your life just earning enough to rent and survive this is the Britain we selfish b******ds have created where our youth can sod off if they can't cope I had nothing to do with it
2015-12-24 3:21 pm
Find a council property.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 16:02:40
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