Is it wrong to stay in my room for my birthday?

2015-12-24 12:53 pm
It's Christmas Eve so it's also my birthday (yay finally 15) we haven't really got anything planned because I went out a couple of days ago but would it be acceptable to stay in my room despite it being my birthday? Is that socially acceptable?

回答 (115)

2015-12-25 5:47 am
Happy Birthday!
Socially acceptable? No. Could you? Yes, technically. But should you?

You're not going to turn 15 again so you should enjoy it before you regret it later. Even if you don't want to go out of the house, don't stay couped up in your room. Have fun and enjoy even if it's something minimal and solitary (outside your room of course)!
2015-12-25 12:42 pm
Yes. You're 15. What else could be more fun than to have a great birthday. If sitting in your room counting spots on the wall makes you feel great than count away and stare. If you want to be normal and socially acceptable then go hang with your friends and family. Don't expect the world to come to you and hold your hand. Life is not that serious at your age, so enjoy it while it you can. It disappears very fast.
2015-12-26 5:13 pm
Why are you caring what other people think? I mean, yeah some people do celebrate their bday with a huge party of different social sutuautions call for different accounts of what they want to do. If your friends and family don't care, then yeah you can stay in your room. But if your friends or family want you to come downstairs and celebrate with them, then you shouldn't stay in your room all day
2015-12-26 4:01 am
Socially acceptable? That's not even an issue. Things that are socially unacceptable are things that are purposely done to hurt others. How would staying home for your birthday hurt others?

Most people won't even give a thought to the fact that it's your birthday or that you're home. Others will assume you think that because you're 15 you think you're too old to celebrate birthdays in the same way you used to. (This is true for some people, not for others. It's okay to celebrate for as many years as you want, and it's okay not to.)

If someone asks why you're staying home on your birthday, tell them that after all the running around with holiday preparations, and going out and doing something else fun recently, you feel like just relaxing and having a small family celebration. That sounds very reasonable.

By the way, my teenage daughter's birthday is New Year's Eve. Every year since she was eight or nine she's had a big, combination birthday / New Year's Eve sleepover party. This year, for no particular reason, she decided she just wants to invite her best friend for a low-key get-together. I didn't think it was weird. People are in the mood for different things at different times. It sounds like you do have a good time with friends when you're in the mood, so you're not a recluse, so there's nothing wrong with what you want to do. The only thing I'd add is that you say you want to stay not just in your house but in your room. Allow your family the pleasure of treating you specially for at least an hour. THEN go to your room.
2015-12-25 10:41 am
Happy Birthday.My Birthday is tomorrow :) . The most memorable birthdays are with friends and family but i also enjoyed some of my bdays in my room eating lots of popcorn and watching movies :)
2015-12-25 6:19 pm
Happy Birthday!
2015-12-27 6:09 pm
You deserve to be happy on your birthday. If you can accomplish that be staying in your room away from your family and friends, then that should be an option for you to consider as a way to celebrate the day of your birth.

The only thing I see wrong with it, is the fact that staying put in your room is nothing special. If that is what you consider to be a rewarding experience, well you have 364 other days available on which you can do that. After all, it's your birthday. Do what you will with the day. I know of no social convention that says you can't be alone on your birthday.
But your birthday is only one day out or the entire year, and it should be a day that is shared with those who love and support you.
2015-12-27 2:40 am
2015-12-26 10:24 pm
Stop being a brat. The only reason you stay in your room is to get ATTENTION. Grow up. Thanks. :)
2015-12-26 2:00 pm
my birthday is on xmas day and I have spent many a birthdays alone at home, even as recent as last year on my 57th birthday. This year I spent with my parents and one of my sisters. I have never had any regret spending those birthdays alone at home to spend some quality alone time while the majority of folks are celebrating the Divine Creator Of Life's Son, Jesus Birthday... Does this make any sense?
2015-12-26 12:23 am
it wasn't socially acceptable for women to show there ankles but now it is.
Things change, don't waste your life doing stuff you don't want to do just because everyone else thinks you should do it. You'll look back and go oh i wish i did this but instead you were doing something you didn't like so society thinks you're more acceptable. Do whatever YOU want. Don't think about others because they're NOT thinking about you.
2015-12-25 8:16 pm
I don't see why not, however greeting your family nicely and possibly cooking something with them for a meal would be nice. After all though it is YOUR birthday, it is also the day your mother gave birth to you. It might upset her if you just hide in your room all day. :) Happy Birthday by the way.
2015-12-25 3:30 pm
You have exactly the same problem as my daughter who have to share her special day with Jesus.
But you know what? You can do anything that makes you happy on your birthday as long as you are happy and its not bad for you in any way. Although we are Christians , we made sure that our daughter felt special on her birthday. We would not even say Merry Christmas to her, we would say Happy Birthday and we would ensure she had a pretty special day. We told her she could have her Christmas day tomorrow, but today belongs to her. Because Jesus loves her very much, He does not mind and do you know why? Because no one knows exactly what day Jesus was born, it certainly was not on the 25th December and the reason He let that error happen is so that YOU can have a special day on your birthday. I truly believe that was the reason. Is He not ever so wise, infinitely?
2015-12-25 3:16 pm
Spend your birthday how you want to. Whatever makes you happy. Socially acceptable? F*ck that, do what makes you happy man. If pizza and movies are what make you happy, then go for it.
2015-12-25 3:32 am
I did for my 19th.
I laid back read books, listened to the blues and Pink Floyd all day and all night.
It was a pretty good day.
2015-12-24 1:23 pm
Happy birthday
2015-12-26 5:40 am
It's fine if you chose not to go out. It's totally acceptable to sometimes want to just keep to yourself and be low key. Birthdays can be a bit overwhelming - especially when it falls on or near a holiday. You don't have to have some massive bash just because it's your birthday. Just like when you turn 21 - yeah you're finally legally allowed to consume/purchase alcohol, BUT that does NOT mean you HAVE to go out drinking just because you're 21!

My birthday happens to be December 9, so it's not at an overly hectic time. I still don't make a particularly big deal over it. I go do something fun and keep it on the "down low". Then again I AM quite a bit older than 15 haha

Anyway, I hope you had a wonderful birthday and a very Merry Christmas!
2015-12-28 7:29 pm
Well normally you should be spending time with your family so it isn't a normal thing to do socially but if you wanna stay in your room all day, it's your call.
2015-12-28 3:28 am
i dont like people either, just my family. so yes.
2015-12-28 3:08 am
It's YOUR what you want !!
2015-12-28 12:15 am
Socially acceptable? Maybe, it really depends on the people around you. But it's your birthday and if that's your wish, I think people should be okay with it.

Happy birthday by the way!
2015-12-27 11:37 pm
Have a happy birthday. And it is okay to stay in your room. Do you agree with me
2015-12-27 6:20 pm
How about you make something special happen for Christmas. Even a small decorated tree, a special meal and possibly small gifts for your family members.

Never forget your family is your tribe (clan) and will always be a part of your life. Join them-make merry and smile and be gracious when they sing Happy Birthday.
2015-12-27 4:58 pm
Happy bday!!!its all ok...even i..all r lazy due to winter so its no wrong!have a great yr ahead!God bless u!:)
2015-12-27 4:28 pm
No dude..
No thing wrong with that for sure...
2015-12-27 4:21 pm
2015-12-27 11:55 am
Why?go out and have fun
2015-12-27 10:40 am
Birthday is personal. And if ur frnds says for a treat dnt just hesitate :p
2015-12-27 9:15 am
Listen here friend,
I'm 21 years old. I have myself a good full time job, my own car and my own apartment. I've done it all by being the social outcast. I always kept myself away from people because when I was a teen I had gotten in to quite a bit of trouble with the law. So after doing 3 years in a juvenile detention center you realize that being alone sometimes is a preference instead of a social acceptability. So no, even on your birthday it's alright to be alone, if you want to be. Don't be afraid to be alone, don't be afraid to have friends. Just pick the people that you want in your life wisely, because having poisonous friends in your life can influence your judgment and moral decisions.
2015-12-27 5:02 am
If that's what you want to do, then no, it isn't wrong. It's your birthday, you should be able to spend it as you wish.
2015-12-27 4:54 am
2015-12-27 4:05 am
2015-12-27 3:37 am
Go have fun
2015-12-27 3:23 am
I would start your day early and go on a long nice hike and go to starbucks and order yourself a venta size. Then go out to lunch with friends and then hang around town.
2015-12-27 2:43 am
I think it's perfectly okay to stay in your room all day every once in a while, but it's also good to remember that sometimes you should spend a little time with someone or some people because it can get really lonely after a while.
2015-12-27 2:33 am
It hurts your family if you are not there for Christmas Eve, but for your birthday celebrations, you can say that you prefer none that day. It's YOUR birthday, but the FAMILY's Christmas Eve dinner.
2015-12-27 2:19 am
It's up to you, but I'd say it'd be nice to go out of your room for a bit just to socialize a bit. You don't have to, but it would be nice for your family.
2015-12-27 1:53 am
It's your birthday, do what ever the hell you want!
2015-12-27 1:16 am
you can do anything you want girl, and happy birthday
2015-12-27 12:45 am
no,happy birthday
2015-12-27 12:43 am
everyone has their ways to handle things. if you want to be alone let it be. unless your mom is black then come out if she says too lol
2015-12-27 12:22 am
I don't see it as wrong.
2015-12-27 12:17 am
its okay to do anything you like! Both me and my sister are sociable but also spend alot of time at home by ourselves, just because we like to. HUn do whatever you like
2015-12-27 12:09 am
Do what you feel to do
2015-12-26 8:57 pm
That is your decision don't care about what others think the only thing that is important is that you are happy
2015-12-26 7:17 pm
It's your birthday
2015-12-26 6:29 pm
It's my birthday today (boxing day) and I'm 15 too! I want to spend the day in my room as well. Do whatever you want, it's your birthday.
2015-12-26 5:00 pm
Who the heck cares if it's socially acceptable? Do whatever you hella want, dude. By the way, I stay in my room on holidays or my b-day, too.
And happy belated birthday!
2015-12-26 4:08 pm
It is wrong. Get out and do something fun
2015-12-26 3:58 pm
Remember the Golden Rule - do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Would you want to be ignored? Unappreciated? Try to be sensitive to others - but also to respect others - and teach children the same. It is a delicate balance! Good luck!
2015-12-26 3:21 pm
2015-12-26 2:58 pm
2015-12-26 1:38 pm
You should really do something social with your family at least
2015-12-26 1:25 pm
It's your bday. Do whatever u want.
2015-12-26 12:52 pm
Not at all
2015-12-26 12:31 pm
2015-12-26 9:54 am
If that's what you want to do. It's your choice. Sounds like you have your nose out of joint.
2015-12-26 8:54 am
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2015-12-26 8:10 am
2015-12-26 5:21 am
Why would you want to do that?
2015-12-26 4:35 am
Happy birthday and yes need your space can't be around ppl all the time
2015-12-26 4:19 am
Hang out with your family and friends you will have have time to be alone when you r old enjoy life:)
2015-12-26 3:50 am
Go and see your family at least! Incredibly selfish attitude.
2015-12-26 3:18 am
It's your birthday, you can do whatever you want. if your family want to spend time with you then don't spend all day in there, ok. Happy birthday!!
2015-12-26 3:06 am
If you have anxiety, then yeah it's fine, people would understand. If you just want to stay there but are able to do something, people are going to find it rude.
2015-12-26 2:52 am
2015-12-26 1:55 am
no. because you don't have friends and no one like you that why you stay in your room.
2015-12-25 11:47 pm
As long as your not hiding from something or someone.
2015-12-25 9:50 pm
Your family would probably enjoy that !
2015-12-25 9:12 pm
If that's what you want too do, Happy Birthday~!
2015-12-25 9:02 pm
happy birfday. hang out with friends and family.
2015-12-25 8:39 pm
happy birthday and merry christmas
2015-12-25 8:10 pm
no. stay there.
2015-12-25 8:01 pm
It's your call
2015-12-25 7:36 pm
2015-12-25 7:26 pm
Well it is important to stay socially active.
2015-12-25 7:12 pm
You really should think of others feelings as well, so i say yes, wrong
2015-12-25 6:39 pm
Happy Birthday! Now, go out and live!
2015-12-25 6:05 pm
They see me carrying an infant yet they can still tell me the dirty room is ready for me to stay. My birthday was completely ruined by this hotel. At 5pm we stil
2015-12-25 6:02 pm
I think you should get a grip dear
2015-12-25 5:36 pm
You should probably shoot Hillary Clinton. That's better.
2015-12-25 5:21 pm
happy birthday
2015-12-25 5:10 pm
i think you should spent time with friends and family
2015-12-25 4:10 pm
yeah go see and visit other family members btw happy birthday! jesus
2015-12-25 3:43 pm
I guess just don't tell anyone about it and make a big fuss
2015-12-25 3:33 pm
TOMORROW IS MY BIRTHDAY!!! THE DAY AFTER CHRISTMAS!! and my mom isn't getting me anything because she is cheap :( but i would stay in my room so yes
2015-12-25 3:00 pm
The most memorable birthdays are with friends and family but i also enjoyed some of my bdays in my room eating lots of popcorn and watching movies :)
2015-12-25 2:16 pm
2015-12-25 12:03 pm
me i hate it when people are soo Socially dependent they cant do anything alone or cant go 1 min with out talking its like silents is there enemy. if you dont feel in the mood to go out on your birthday then dont but take some time and think before you decide it could be fun depending on what you would be doing
2015-12-25 11:52 am
yes . stay in your bedroom
2015-12-25 10:26 am
Socially acceptable ehhhh to other teens yeah but parents will just look at you as a brat. As a fellow teen j feel ur pain and would love to stay in my room but the fam nags
2015-12-25 10:22 am
Happy birthday! DWYW (Do What YOU Want). It is your birthday after all.
2015-12-25 9:28 am
if u feel this way then go ahead
2015-12-25 9:07 am
2015-12-25 8:53 am
Happy Birthday I would do some family time.
2015-12-25 8:21 am
It's ok, but going out with your friends is better :) this only happens once in a year for you, you should enjoy it
2015-12-25 8:13 am
to people who are Socially dependent its wrong but people dont realise that there are people out there who can be alone and just be fine with it.

it all comes down to you. are you a Social person? me iam half and half some times i like to be alone even if its a special day other times i like to be around people it on depends on how you feel.

me i hate it when people are soo Socially dependent they cant do anything alone or cant go 1 min with out talking its like silents is there enemy. if you dont feel in the mood to go out on your birthday then dont but take some time and think before you decide it could be fun depending on what you would be doing
2015-12-25 7:51 am
2015-12-25 7:48 am
yes let people celebrate you because you're worth it.
2015-12-25 7:29 am
No it's not if u want to mastubate I would prefer if ur a virgin and on bday u get 2 for 1
2015-12-25 7:02 am
No, it is not wrong to stay in your room assuming that you have the freedom to come and go as you desire.
2015-12-25 6:11 am
thats the worst thing to do like its a specil day but more its a day you will never get back. celebrate it even if its not planned in a way you want.
2015-12-25 4:47 am
maybe if the door is locked ;-)
2015-12-25 4:16 am
I've had lame birthdays before. It'll get better when you're older and have a boyfriend/girlfriend to go out with. Happy Birthday!!
2015-12-25 2:53 am
Happy Birthday! It's your birthday, so pass your time at your choice.
2015-12-25 2:46 am
It's okay to want to do that but you should probably go out and join your family. They might think something is wrong.
2015-12-24 5:31 pm
i wouldnt do that, your parents want to spend time with you on your birthday, but most important try to remember if it wasnt for them you wouldnt be having a birthday so get out of your rm and join them
2015-12-24 4:10 pm
No its not socially acceptable, but you still have the freedom to do it
2015-12-24 2:05 pm
15 is a age when you should be out with friends - do not confine yourself to a room. Give all a Treat.
2015-12-24 1:16 pm
invite 50 friends and enjoy the day
2015-12-24 12:59 pm
Attention seeking is never socially acceptable and incredibly tiresome
its christmas, a time for family, not for one to want everyone asking where they are and to join them
2015-12-24 12:53 pm
you do whatever u like
2015-12-25 10:32 am
2015-12-25 12:55 pm
Do you have friends? If you have friends then you should appreciate them and get together to celebrate somewhere like go somewhere to play. Not everyone has friends. Like myself, I don't have friends and my parents don't like me. But I still go out on my own and just wander around and breathe some fresh air and try distracting myself from my loneliness so that I don't think of suicide.
2015-12-26 3:11 pm
Yes it's totally wrong. Here's why.
Celebrating Birthday means a lot more when you are younger. As you grow older, it means less and less then it means a lot again when you are actually old old person because you are still here on the earth. What society think doesn't really matter. But 15yrs old should still good year to celebrate your birth. if you feel great to be 15 then you should celebrate. The day will come when you are not so lucky or finally to that age. You are less likely to be happy to be older. You should celebrate every year as long as you feel good to be older. Of course when you get 80's you also feel lucky to be older, too, but the different reasons.
Happy Birthday! Bring your friends while you feel great to be old.

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