Why is everyone in middle school an asshole?

2015-12-24 4:38 am

回答 (13)

2015-12-24 5:07 am
2015-12-24 4:45 am
That's just the way it is. Don't worry though most will grow out of it and by your senior year you'll be missing all if them.
2015-12-26 11:04 am
Most people in middle school are very insecure about themselves, some of them try to fix it with bullying and being an asshole. But believe me, there are enough other people who have exact the same question as you. Sometimes they are hard to find, sometimes they aren't. It the end you worried about things way too much, that time you embarrassed yourself in front of the whole school? Nobody will remember that **** in a few years, try to take it easy and remember it's not a disaster the next time something happens.
2015-12-24 5:06 am
Because everyone is trying to one up each other to look cool.
2015-12-28 4:05 am
Because everyone is immature even the 6th graders. 8th graders not too much, but they still judge everyone. Also, everyone wants to make great impressions and their not themselves because they just want to fit in. I was different form everyone, particualy i did my own things, but when kids found out, they all found me as an idol. Lol, just act mature and stuff. Otherwise everyone will hate you and they'll all tear your reputation and life apart like that.
2015-12-27 10:41 am
The ranging hormones of teenagers. In elementary school before middle school kids are still dependent on their families and still in a dependent mind set. In public life after high school kids are then independent of their families and separated. The process that switches from dependence to separation takes several years. It's a big change and it takes some practice. One of the phases is extreme reactions to social situations.
2015-12-27 9:16 am
It started in elementary (at least for me). I’ve walked through those hallways in the lower grade levels and found at least one or two crazy kids acting up. In the upper grade levels 3-5, I’ve seen a handful of people who tried to impress other students—even teachers. Some were already into cursing and some were going through puberty at an early age. In middle school, oh boy did I see more? Yes, indeed. It seems like most students are trying to impress others. The rest are just there because they need to be in school to get educated even if they’re lazy or unwilling to learn. Some love to provoke others simply because they’re insecure themselves or had a bad past. I’m almost an 8th grader, so I expect some people to be rude and offensive while the other half sweet and innocent. I think when I go to high school, there will be people who sell drugs and stuff to minors. I think they just want to be a part of a group like a gang. They might think it is cool, but it certainly is not. I don’t know how’d it go. I just hope to find friendly people somewhere—anywhere—and let me know everything will be okay. So, don’t worry about those kids. Be yourself and don’t follow their footsteps—they walk into walls. They’ll either suffer future consequences or grow out of their immaturity as they continue to go through the ‘hormonal’ stages of life. That is why middle school is called MIDDLE school for a reason. You become a teenager there, or adolescent, and experience new things as your brain cells multiply and your body changes even more.
2015-12-27 1:01 am
They are immature, hormonal and impulsive.
2015-12-27 1:00 am
They're just trying to fit in. I'm in high school now and people are generally nicer.
2015-12-26 1:26 pm
Not really.
2015-12-26 9:56 am
I know the feeling
2015-12-26 5:48 am
It's the time people are going through puberty probably. They get random feelings and emotions and get angry, upset, and happy sometimes. They're in the age where they are stopping maturity.
2015-12-24 4:41 am
Ah, I know. That is who they are, get used to it. :)

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