Does xbox 360 slim have built in camera or mic or do i NEED an external accessory?

2015-12-24 12:39 am

im worried because my xbox 360 slim was hacked and if it has a built inn camera, that means the hacker can spy on me through it so please tell me if yes/no. by the way i have no external cameras connected to the console

回答 (3)

2015-12-24 1:03 am
✔ 最佳答案
LOL. You paranoid? The only consoles that I know of that have a camera/microphone built it would be the DSi, 3DS, and PS Vita. No other console has integrated mic and camera. If you have the Kinect, then that's a different story.
2015-12-24 12:42 am
No I there aren't any built in mics or cameras
2015-12-24 12:42 am
It has neither of those things

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