After you judge the offseason do you think the Orioles will be better or worse next year?

2015-12-23 7:37 pm
My guess is better because unlike in the past they are trying to resign key players and are trying to sign new players.

回答 (13)

2015-12-24 12:23 am
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Orioles will not be a contender but they also won't be the worst. I expect them to in the middle of the pack. They might get a chance at the second wild card spot.
2015-12-24 2:40 am
offseason continues until Mar 31st next year. judging now would constitute pre-judging. come back later.
2015-12-23 8:14 pm
Considering there are 3 months of off season left, hard to tell.
2016-01-04 11:25 am
They will be worse. The Red Sox have improved a ton.
2015-12-25 11:08 pm
It depends on what else they do in this offseason, and what kind of a start they have, as well as how they do this summer, and next fall.
2015-12-25 5:52 pm
2015-12-25 4:46 pm
Worse. Not making the play-offs again.
2015-12-25 1:47 pm
Ask this again in September (2016) and you'll get a better response, too early to determine these things,
2015-12-24 5:29 pm
Depends on what Chris Davis does
2015-12-24 3:40 am
Your question indicates we need to wait until the offseason is over before one has an opinion.

I suggest you follow your own lead.
2015-12-24 3:15 am
Worse. They need to rebuild
2015-12-24 3:05 am
They will be worse. The Red Sox have improved a ton.
2015-12-23 9:51 pm
The Orioles aren't going to contend anytime soon and they know it. If they had a snowball's chance in hell of contending they never would have withdrawn the offer to Davis. Withdrawing an offer to a player is about the same as saying "thanks for the memories". The Orioles haven't done anything to improve their pitching staff which was in the bottom half of the AL last year. They can't sign "new" pitchers to fix this because the quality free agent pitchers already resigned elsewhere. With improvements the Red Sox made, they'll be slugging it out with Tampa for last place.
2015-12-23 8:23 pm
If Davis comes back, they'll be better. If he doesn't, they'll be worse.

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