is there a way to loose weight without exercise?

2015-12-23 3:56 pm
i just had surgery yesterday and im overweight and i cannot walk for 6 weeks. my wheel chair is not coming until after the new year, but its hard to keep all this weight up on crutches. is there a way to lose weight with no exercise, if theres not im willing to try upper body exercise. but it is very hard to keep this weight up on crutches

回答 (7)

2015-12-24 4:11 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Absolutely! I have read (and I believe) that losing weight is mostly about the food and not the exercise anyway. Most normal people can burn about 300 calories per exercise session and 1 pound is 3500 calories. So if you keep your diet the same, you would only lose about a pound every 11-12 days. But, just counting calories, and cutting 500 calories a day, you can lose a pound every 7 days. Putting them both together is best, but even just cutting back on calories, you will lose weight.
2015-12-24 11:23 am
I have lost 4 pounds in 6 weeks. I can see a differencein how I feel. Weight loss green store tea is very good product to use.
2015-12-24 11:33 am
Yes, you can. You should take a proper diet for loosing weight and If you are own an iOS or Android device do install Leo Privacy Guard to make your device totally secure.
2015-12-23 4:24 pm
Eat less calories than you burn.
2015-12-23 4:17 pm
You can but it's much healthier and enjoyable to do some form of exercise if you are able to. If not just watch what you eat and try to maintain a balanced diet
2015-12-23 4:15 pm
Yes you can do this by controlling your diet eat healthy food not junk food .
2015-12-23 6:28 pm
stop overeating

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