What is your favorite team sport?

2015-12-23 8:03 am

Mine is football and basketball.

回答 (9)

2015-12-23 8:04 am
Power Doritoes eating............I am State champ.
2015-12-23 2:11 pm
2015-12-23 8:24 am
Yeah I have the same two favorites. Those were the two sports I played in school and in the back yard with friends.
2015-12-23 8:07 am
To play: Hockey
To watch: Gridiron Football
2015-12-23 8:04 am
It used to be basketball.
2015-12-23 8:04 am
Basketball, football, and soccer
2015-12-23 8:04 am
European football. :)
2015-12-23 8:03 am
2015-12-23 8:12 am
Boston Red Soxs

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