Who thinks "Merry Christmas" is offensive?

2015-12-22 8:19 pm
Well I'm going to be politically incorrect and wish everyone a Merry Christmas this Christmas and Happy Hannukah to Jews and Atheists good luck or happy Xmas.

回答 (216)

2015-12-23 5:06 am
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Ever see a Holiday Tree at Walmart? I sure haven't. If Muslims celebrating Ramadan don't offend the same people who say "Merry Christmas" (a widely celebrated holiday from all walks of life) then their idea of "political correctness" is completely scewed. I don't care much for equality, you can't please everyone without committing a double standard, I am however a strong believer in fairness. I think this country has a good rule in it's constitution, particularly the first amendment. If you have something to say, whos to say that you shouldn't say it. Something like that right? Probably not exact quotation. However, Evelyn Beatrice Hall seems to have the right idea in saying "I don't like your opinion, but I'll fight for your right to say it."

I dont get offended, and thats not an exaggeration either. Im a Christian too so I could probably come up with some excuses to do so if I wanted to, but I don't because being offended is stupid because I know my opinions probably offend people.
參考: Common sense. Which isn't so common anymore.
2015-12-23 4:42 pm
If anyone thinks that "Merry Christmas" is offensive, then political correctness has gone completely out of control. I don't see wishing someone a Merry Christmas as shoving religion down anyone throat. To me, the sentiment of "Merry Christmas" means peace on earth, goodwill towards men and no one should ever be offended by such concepts.
2015-12-23 4:13 am
As a (struggling) Christian, if I moved to a country where there were more Jews, Muslims or any other religion I would never get offended at their celebrations. It doesn't make sense. I know a lot of people make a big deal about this and it does happen but it's not all. Canada and the USA I believe have created a bit of a mess by being too fair and too politically correct and feel a need to cater to everyone who isn't the majority. It's sad but what's worse are the people who actually complain. They don't appreciate what they have here. I personally haven't met one yet but I'm a small towner and the non Christians really don't give a poo
2015-12-23 6:33 am
Really I think it's an extension of the idea in America that Christianity is the only religion it is ok to talk badly about. A Muslim celebrating Ramadan, or a Jew celebrating hanukkah mentioning it in public would only be met with passive stares or a nod. But a Christian saying something about Christmas has about a 1 in 10 chance of setting off an explosion of anti religious hate, if not in person then later online. Personally I think it's just the result of over privileged people convincing themselves that everyone who follows a mainstream belief is both wrong and oppressive.

Basically, I'm saying that holidays are not offensive but certain people hunt for things to be offended by.
2015-12-22 8:25 pm
i don't celebrate Christmas, but I don't find Christmas as offensive. What I find offensive is when either side of the Merry Christmas issue becomes a broken record issue with people on either side demanding other people conform to their way of looking at it.

So I am offended when people demand things like "Merry Christmas" on Starbucks coffee cups, and on the other side people demanding that a public display cannot be of the Manger scene. Both types of people seem rather tyrannical to me.
2015-12-22 8:29 pm
No one, as far as I know. The whole "War on Christmas" was simply to sell a book published about 10 years ago, before that, there was no mention or discussion of the topic.
2015-12-22 8:20 pm
I don't. I say Merry Christmas.
2015-12-22 8:52 pm
Saying "Merry Christmas" is not offensive. I'm a nice Jewish agnostic, and if someone says "Merry Christmas" to me, I assume they mean well and return their good wishes. If I say "Happy holidays," I hope you will accept my good wishes and return them. (Your Hanukkah greetings are a bit late, but thanks anyway.)

What's offensive is the people who insist that the only proper greeting is Merry Christmas (those things that say "It's 'Merry Christmas,' not 'happy holidays'!"), apparently disregarding the fact that their holiday is a ripoff of pagan festivals and that there's more than one holiday in December.
2015-12-23 2:27 am
There's nothing wrong with saying either "merry Christmas," or "happy Holidays." To say "merry Christmas," to a stranger, to me, implies just that, have a nice December 25th no matter what you are doing. If I say "happy holidays," it maybe to include the other holidays. What's wrong with that? I'm not forsaking Chritianity if I tell a Jew to have a nice Hanukkah. I'm not telling an atheist to "find Christ," if I say Merry Christmas. The problem, I feel, as a society is we are so quick to judge others actions as hostile, but yet give our own justification. If you're offended by something with a genuine meaning, then that's your d'mn problem. Your issues. I'm no longer burdening myself, tiptoeing around people so they don't get offended. If my hearts in the right place, that's all that matters.
2015-12-22 8:23 pm
Meh. I dont. And I am an atheist.

I honestly couldn't care less. The only ones who make a big deal about it are Christians who want their religion interjected into everything.

You do know the "merry" part was stolen from Yule greetings....right? You know...all those wonderful pagan traditions that Christians hijacked and claim as their own. Some are actually ignorant enough to believe they were originally Christian. Its laughable.
2015-12-22 8:21 pm
Doesn't bother 99% of atheists. I say happy holidays simply to include the next one that comes in like 5 days. Mexicans say feliz navidad (happy <celibrate> new year). Ive never been wished merry christmas by a south american. Nobody except Bill Orielly cares.
2015-12-23 7:26 am
Who thinks "Merry Christmas is offensive ? Not me its has become both a religious and a cultural holiday

. What I find really confusing is Certain people who ask questions like Atheist Why do you celebrate Christmas if your not a christian as if some how they own the cultural Christmas

or that any group owns any celebration that people engage in. I also put a menorah out for my Jewish friends on my dining room table

. funny they dont seem to think they OWN the right to reserve it only to be demonstrated by Jews they find it a compliment
I go to their house and they have a christmas tree . if you can't share things with people to facilitate understanding

then some people need to go isolate themselves in some remote area of the world .

..Its only when people take items of symbolism and Use it to DOMINATE society that they are the only people that matter that other people are offended . because your devaluing other people as if you own society

I have gone to Catholic weddings Jewish wedding and Hindu weddings Atheist weddings and gay weddings and found none of them offensive . I may not accept claims of gods but I can understand peoples practices of rituals . to mark an event or a celebration
2015-12-23 12:05 am
The problem seems to be Christians thinking Happy Holidays is offensive. Frankly, I don't see how saying have a happy HOLY DAY is offensive.
2015-12-22 8:43 pm
I really don't care. Xmas is a secular holiday anyways.
2015-12-22 8:28 pm
I am not bothered at all and I am an atheist. I do find it funny that christains become self righteous over a holiday that was copied from a pagan holiday , aka Yule
2015-12-22 8:20 pm
Stupid people I guess.
2015-12-23 7:51 am
Merry Christmas is not in the least offensive. England where I am, is a Christian country with a State Church, the Church of England, with HM Queen at it's head.

The people of England, the English, have had enough with political correctness in respect of Christmas and other Christian festivals and calendar events.

There was a time when many schools here in England banned the annual Nativity Play saying if was offensive to Muslims.

The people have had enough and Nativity Plays will go ahead. If you've never seen one or even heard of such, then here it is, kids in schools right across England put on a play about the birth of Jesus - the Nativity.


But it's not just here in Merry Olde England that schools put on a Nativity Play each year. They also perform them in the mighty USA. That then is the stamp of approval.

Democracy rules and etc.

Wherever and Whoever you are - Have a Very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

And, what's good enough for Ole Blue Eyes (Mr Artanis) is good enough for the rest of us.
2015-12-23 2:10 am
Nobody is offended by Merry Christmas.
2015-12-22 8:23 pm
I think happy holidays is ok because it is all inclusive.
2015-12-23 6:15 am
Thank you and Merry Christmas to you too & Best Wishes in the New Year.
2015-12-23 3:33 am
The same kind of people who don't deserve to be wished a Merry Christmas.
2015-12-24 1:09 am
What if we go back with the original holidays and greet each other like: "Happy Saturnalia" or "Dies Natalis Solis Invicti". I am just kidding! Anyway, December 25th has been celebrated long before Christ was born and most likely Jesus wasn't even born on December 25th in the first place. As an atheist, I don't see why saying: "Merry Christmas" is offensive. Most people know it is just a social excuse to relax and burn money for the economy.
2015-12-23 1:38 am
Here in the US we generally don't think of Christmas as a religious Holiday. I myself am atheist and never go to church (rather be watching my eagles every sunday) but I still celebrate Christmas. Really the only people that don't celebrate Christmas are those who are strongly dedicated to another religion (eg, islam) or Jewish folks. Throughout my whole life I've never seen anyone offended by "Merry Christmas," not even Jews.
2015-12-22 8:23 pm
No-one I know finds it offensive. I am more likely to use "happy Christmas" myself but that's OK too. The name of the festival is Christmas so why not use it. I and most of my friends are atheists and have no problems at all with the expression. I dislike "happy holidays" intensely.
2015-12-22 8:23 pm
Have a Holy Shitticus yourself
2015-12-22 8:23 pm
The whole holiday is offensive. It promotes selfishness, lying and pagan origins. Jesus was not even born in December.
2015-12-24 3:16 am
im a satanist and it does not bother me one bit i mean why would it its like saying hello in december i dont take it like there shoving there religion in my face but some people do were all diffrent i guess
2015-12-23 9:17 pm
I don t know what is the deal. If you don t believe it can t harm you. I was a Buddhist but celebrated Christmas. Now I m a Christian. Seeing things through God s eyes, helps me though life s difficulties.
We celebrated the birth of the Prince of Peace, King of Kings, our Lord for all of Mankind.
2015-12-24 4:12 pm
2015-12-23 5:04 pm
merry christmas isn't offensive.
2015-12-23 4:19 pm
If Jesus Christ can die on the cross for our sins and then rise on Easter Sunday, we can say his name on Dec. 25. Dec. 25 is Christmas (Christ's Mass) day, NOT Holiday. When ppl protest Christmas and Christmas celebrations, it just shows how out of touch they are. One lady in San Jose CA complained that the school field trip was a visit to Santa Claus. She said that Santa was "promoting religion." Yes, the religion of the almighty dollar where Christmas has been turned into a gift giving and overeating festival. Everyone should take a deep breath and take a moment to read Luke chapter 2 in the Bible which tells of the very 1st Christmas. No decorated trees, wrapped presents or cookies. Just a beautiful story of the birth of Christ. John chap. 3 also in the Bible explains why Jesus came to this world. To give us the gift of eternal life (Heaven) when we accept Him as our personal Saviour. Merry Christmas!
2015-12-23 6:03 am
It's not offensive at all
2015-12-23 4:23 am
I don't think it's offensive. I don't care which greeting you give me, I won't take offense (well unless you're greeting me with your middle finger).

Sometimes I think people are offended because they're told they should be offended by some uppity politically correct nazi. People should just get a grip.
2015-12-22 8:23 pm
Not me.
2015-12-22 8:20 pm
Some people like being miserable, these are the ones you seek.
2015-12-22 8:21 pm
I find the "merry" part offensive, but I couldn't care less about the Christmas part.

I should counter all this happy and merry business. Maybe I'll wish people a Crappy Birthday next year.
2015-12-24 3:11 pm
Only complete MORONS think it's Offensive. There's a hell of a lot more people celebrating Xmas than anything so it makes perfect sense to say it. If I'm in a Jewish neighborhood and somebody says Happy Haunakah, I say thanks you too, it's the though of the statement that counts, just more people looking to start issues where there aren't any.
2015-12-24 10:20 am
It's a phrase, the only people who get offended are the christians who demand everyone look at them and do as they command. I don't have a problem with saying Merry Christmas or Happy Hanukkah or Kwanzaa or Bohdi or Newtonmas...or just Holiday
2015-12-24 5:34 am
The evil people Fox News made up
2015-12-23 3:24 pm
As a Zen leaning Taoist , it doesn't bother me .
2015-12-23 8:37 am
I don't think it's offensive, and I am an atheist. I think it's freedom of religion and it just so happens that Christianity is the most common religion here. But however I do think it's rude when Christians say "**** your happy holidays it's merry Christmas".. Cause I have seen someone say that. I mean they don't have to say happy holidays but they also don't need to disrespect people who choose to represent all winter holidays in their saying. I honestly say both lol
2015-12-23 4:58 am
im an athiest, and i don't mind or care whether someone tells me merry christmas or happy holidays, because they're just trying to be kind and nice and jolly ^3^
2015-12-23 4:41 am
What I find offensive is the notion that everyone is supposed to care about christmas in the first place. Bunch of hypocrites. Jesus celebrated Haunkkah you know?. If people put more effort into being decent humans the other 364 days of the year maybe I'd give a c r a p.
2015-12-23 2:32 am
No. It's not offensive. Do you know what IS offensive? Acting as though the other holidays don't exist. Like R. here, who doesn't return to businesses who don't say Merry Christmas. Newsflash. Christianity is ONE of many, many religions. Christians don't own this country. Say Merry Christmas to me all you want. Demand that I say it to you and this Mayflower descendant and daughter of the American Revolution will hand you your ***.
2015-12-23 2:30 am
If someone wished me a happy Hanukkah even though I'm not Jewish I wouldn't be offended, I'd think it was nice. I get some people who don't celebrate Christmas are probably tired of it being shoved in their faces all the time, but I still don't think it's offensive. They're wishing you well, what does it matter if they didn't take a poll ahead of time to find out which holiday you're celebrating?
2015-12-23 2:30 am
If people want to take offense at our saying Merry Christmas, why do they think it's alright to swear in front of us? I'm Christian and I'd have no problem saying Happy Hanukkah to the Jewish.
2015-12-23 1:52 am
Can be to some who aren't of Christian faith or who don't celebrate it in some form
2015-12-23 1:10 am
Not me.
But to some people it may be, outside of Christianity. For the most part, I don't see why they'd get mad. It was probably a simple mistake from someone trying to spread their own holiday happiness.
I'm Muslim myself, and if someone told me Merry Christmas, I wouldn't get mad at all or feel offended.
Just for people who do say it everywhere, allow yourself to be a little more considerate. Christianity isn't the only religion out there, and you don't know how people will react. There are crazy shits who live in this world. Maybe just say "Happy Holidays" or something similar.
2015-12-24 4:52 pm
Anyway, December 25th has been celebrated long before Christ was born and most likely Jesus wasn't even born on December 25th in the first place. As an atheist, I don't see why saying: "Merry Christmas" is offensive. Most people know it is just a social excuse to relax and burn money for the economy.
2015-12-24 6:02 am
Any big babies that have a problem with us saying merry Christmas, can go shove a tree up their grinch ***
2015-12-23 11:32 pm
Christmas is the name of the holiday
I do not find Merry Christmas offensive

A logical atheist
2015-12-23 9:18 pm
I think it has no meaning beyond a wish of Good will, but it's not offensive
2015-12-23 9:02 pm
Anyone who takes offense at 'Merry Christmas' is looking for offense, so I say F**k'em, oh and Merry Christmas :)
2015-12-23 5:20 pm
no way ever....... its a goodwill gesture.. you have to be pretty sad if you'd get insulted
2015-12-23 3:44 pm
If I said happy kwanza to a person who celebrates Christmas do you think they would be offended. I really don't think so. Then why should a person who celebrates Kwanza be offended if I said Merry Christmas.

How about this say nothing and ban all holidays . Yea that's it. BAN all holidays so nobody gets offended. I'm getting sick and tired of all this political correctness schit. What offends you if I say Merry Christmas. Are your feelings so hurt you need to go see a doctor or get rushed to the hospital or do you get physically sick. I don't think so. So here is the bottom line

SCREW! Phuc all the holidays

BTW what does a rabbit have to do with the resurrection of Christ.
2015-12-23 1:43 pm
I don't find any sort of celebrations offensive. What makes them offensive?
2015-12-23 1:14 pm
Umm, if it's Christmas, say 'Merry Christmas'. That's what I do. Even if the person isn't Christian, they can still be happy they have a free day off because of it.
2015-12-23 10:04 am
100% Agreed!! Merry Christmas Everyone...!!!
2015-12-23 10:00 am
Merry Christmas is not in the least offensive.
2015-12-23 9:54 am
I don't I dislike Happy Holidays and if told that I reply back with Merry Christmas!
2015-12-23 8:17 am
Wish you a Merry Christmas because I don't think it's offensive.
2015-12-23 4:28 am
it's just a very common holiday and women's another happy shopping day
2015-12-23 1:27 am
It's an innocent mistake made by people who just want to spread festive spirit, personally I think that people should take things less personally, it's just impossible to say anything these days without offending someone
2015-12-22 8:21 pm
No one that I know of.
2015-12-23 6:46 pm
2015-12-23 5:25 pm
I think its offensive. Not everyone is Christian and believes in jesus. Christmas is for jesus. It should be said "happy holidays" and not merry Christmas
2015-12-23 4:24 pm
Atheists and anyone who doesn't believe in Jesus I guess! This is America, where one of the biggest holidays is Christmas! If a person doesn't like it, there are plenty of countries who hate God that they can move to!
2015-12-23 12:35 am
jehovah witnesses...they dont celebrate it and well its offensive if you know and keep saying it to them..
2015-12-23 12:43 am
There's more than three religions in the world, and atheism isn't one of them. Try looking around outside your particular circuit. Merry Christmas--no one really thinks it is offensive, but it's like hanging out on your side of the fence. You do it for your own reason, (attention, influence, liberty etc) but only a bigot really follows the self-centered autocrat.
Why do you think people make mistakes around other races, and ethnicities, and feel embarrassed or vulnerable? Race is a long departed myth, an old friend to the power elite in each region, city, country, etc. Integrated relationships will be resigned to older ways of thinking, and will behave with sensitivity, emotion.
2015-12-22 8:23 pm
it is not offensive , though many people attack the Christian church at this time of the year .
2015-12-25 10:08 am
I'm antitheist, Merry Christmas to you, too.
2015-12-25 9:10 am
Not me. That question is kind of stupid..
2015-12-25 6:01 am
not me...but i do hate Christmas.
2015-12-25 5:01 am
I've never encountered anyone who found "Merry Christmas" offensive. I have, however, met MANY, MANY people who find the term "Happy Holidays" offensive. I think that speaks volumes about followers of certain religions.
2015-12-25 4:30 am
not me
2015-12-25 2:55 am
Tumblr and social justice warriors do.
2015-12-25 12:43 am
2015-12-24 9:54 pm
More people today than when I was kid! Progress? Even so, I never found it offensive, just a ginormous PITA and waste of time.
2015-12-24 7:30 pm
Only Politically Correct silly *** people- who are provably the biggest closet racist in the world- God knows what is in our heart.
2015-12-24 7:28 pm
It's absolutely not offensive. It's a friendly greeting. Why get pissed off over someone trying to be nice? Talk about looking a gift horse in the mouth.
2015-12-24 5:07 pm
2015-12-24 4:17 pm
Cannot see how the term Merry Xmas can be offensive to anyone , unless of course your one of those religious nutters who take every expression apart in order to find something to complain about. Its not meant any more as a religious saying accompanied by pointing your R'r's three times towards the east accompanied by a fortnights incantations. It now just a greeting without the overtones, its a smile with a slap on the back and a wish for the future.
However, I do think however that its a bit unrealistic to assume that it can apply to everyone. To those washed out of their homes for months, for those living on the streets for another year, for those without even hope, for those in the dark depths of total despair, then I can see that such a greeting , well meaning though it is meant, can bring a very wry smile.
2015-12-24 2:15 pm
Dafuq... Christmas isn't about war and destruction of all legal rights.. It's about giving and sharing and caring how df is christmas offensive?
2015-12-24 2:14 pm
I think ultra conservatives made up this whole issue about being PC and only saying happy holidays. Only whack jobs would find it offensive to hear someone say merry Christmas. Some people might feel left out, but certainly not offended.
2015-12-24 1:40 pm
Not at all. religious freaks maybe. Christmas was stolen from pagans anyway. So religious nuts can **** off.
2015-12-24 10:49 am
So you re proud of yourself for being politically incorrect just for the sake of it? But no, it s not really offensive unless you say it intentionally to someone who you know doesn t celebrate Christmas. What many people seem to forget is that a greeting or a wish to someone is supposed to be for THEM not YOU. And by the way, the "X" in Xmas actually means "Christ". The right-wingers who push the "War on Christmas" nonsense every year have brainwashed people into believing the "X" is intentionally to remove the "Christ" part.
2015-12-24 10:02 am
I don't find it offensive and I am Jewish. if I thought it were offensive, I would move to Israel haha
2015-12-24 7:41 am
If you're are living in America or Canada then you should not even try and change our culture.. Do i go to their countries and complain and get butthurt over what theyre wearing or what they say? No i dont think anyone does.. I say we close all borders and kick out every race that doesnt live in North America.. It all started with Gays wanting equality so we should kick them out too, along with the transgendered people as well.. Escpecially Bruce Jenner.. oh and might as well kick out Hilary Clinton and Donald Trump because I hate both of them.. So to answer your question no I do not get offended by Merry Christmas!
2015-12-24 6:33 am
A moron, that's who. I wouldn't care if someone said happy/merry whatever holiday! Even if it's different from my religion!
2015-12-24 6:14 am
What's offensive about "happy holidays" or "seasons greetings"? You've got it backwards- it's SOME Christians who are offended when you don't say exactly what they want you to. If people are to be free to say what they want, then "happy holidays" or the equivalent should be acceptable and no one should raise an eyebrow about it. When I was a kid in the fifties, the vast majority of Xmas cards said "happy holidays" or "seasons greetings" because it covers both Xmas and new years and many of them did indeed use "Xmas" on them because it's nothing but an abbreviation. To pretend that it's an offense to say anything but "merry Christmas" is to be nothing but overbearing.
2015-12-24 4:49 am
Hell yeah I would get mad if some Muslim came to America and started throwing Hanukkah in my face.
2015-12-24 4:33 am
I don't find your message offensive. I think its on the contrary quite sweet. I like how you include other faiths and atheists. Merry Christmas its the one Christian holiday that is celebrated for a whole season. And it seems to be celebrated earlier and earlier each year. Eventually it's going to be year round. Okay I exagerate.
2015-12-24 4:07 am
I don't think it's offensive,
2015-12-24 3:57 am
Hope you all had a good solstice yesterday. My last few days were rough.
2015-12-24 3:50 am
I was raised in a religion that doesn't celebrate Christmas, and my mom married a White guy that was raised in a family that DID observe Christmas... who later converted.

Guess who between the two of us doesn't care if someone says Merry Christmas?


I'm easygoing.

My stepdad will complain at a restaurant if they're playing Christmas music.
2015-12-23 11:42 pm
I don't think it is as well. For a Christian it means something religious, but for an atheist is should be just words.
2015-12-23 10:54 pm
In my opinion, i dont think its offensive even though i don't celebrate it. If someone does say it to me, I'll be happy. It shows that they care.
2015-12-23 10:25 pm
Yep I wouldn't be offended either. It's only the 'bigger' events like christmas that tend to get PC'ed because they believe this is creating equality when in actual fact it isn't.
2015-12-23 9:07 pm
When someone wishes you a Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, Season's Greeting, and so on, they are simply wishing you a happy time. Get over being hurt, offended, or whatever. I think you're dealing with something deeper and looking for someone to blame. Merry Christmas & Happy New Year! (That's what all my calendars say)
2015-12-23 7:42 pm
I do not believe hanukah is offensive, or the fasting of Muslims. Christmas is not offensive either. I could see how it is possible that somebody could take that as offensive, for example a Buddhist, but I don't see why. For Christians, Christmas is about the birth of Christ but for other religion, Christmas could be about spending quality time with family and handing out gifts, and having a special dinner and what not. I don't think that people celebrating somebody's birthday should ever offend people.
2015-12-23 5:14 pm
nope, just people saying it to see how much they can get away with.
2015-12-23 2:08 pm
Only people that aren't worth talking to. The kind of people that don't pay attention to what they're loading their shopping cart with, and then get angry at the cashier when they see the bill. I'm not Muslim or Quechuan, etc., but when I know they have a holiday, I greet them accordingly. I had a blast celebrating the Shi'a new year and discussing the prophet of the day. It didn't hurt or offend me, and they were all super cool.
2015-12-23 2:07 pm
I've said "Season's Greetings" for decades now, since this warpedness started.
2015-12-23 1:46 pm
Merry Christmas is not intended to be offensive, whether someone celebrates Christmas or not, the sentiment is just to have a nice day. Happy Holidays may be better in some situations (groups of people with diverse cultures) but it is not a requirement.
2015-12-23 9:26 am
Donald Trump
2015-12-23 9:18 am
I don't think so, here's why:

I am a Christian. If someone wished me a happy Hanukkah, happy Eid, or whatever, I wouldn't be offended.

So in return, if I were to wish someone who does not celebrate Christmas a merry Christmas, I would expect them to show me the same respect.

Christmas means something different to everyone, as does every other religious celebration, so we should show tolerance and appreciation for what they mean for each person. We should take it as a compliment, not a disrespect that the person is semi-including them in their celebration :)
2015-12-23 9:07 am
I'm an atheist, and honestly, I don't get why some people get offended so easily by stuff like this. If people want to say "Merry Christmas" to me, I could care less. All they're basically saying is "I hope you enjoy your day." Why should that upset me?
2015-12-23 8:37 am
I don't think it's offensive, nor do I think "Happy Hanukkah" or any other end-of-year wishes are offensive.

I do not celebrate Hanukkah, but if someone wished me a happy Hanukkah, I would wish it to them back. When they say it, they mean well and just are trying to be nice. It has nothing to do with religion. And I would tell them to have a happy Hanukkah. Because that's what they're celebrating, and I'm being nice.
2015-12-23 5:26 am
I do not think Merry Christmas is offensive but i do not say it to guest or customers at work because some people who do not believe in go take offense to this since Christmas celebrated=s the birth of Jesus.
2015-12-23 4:44 am
Most of my family apart from me and my mum are atheists and they still celebrate Christmas I wouldn't find it offensive I have a Muslim friend who doesn't get offended but some people will so I wouldn't worry yourself be unique and still be kind but maybe don't go screaming out Merry Christmas because some people don't like it
2015-12-23 2:44 am
I like Christmas, that is the time when you get the presents from your managers knowing that you have been naughty all year long, in some cases they don't appreciate you but they have to give them to you to stop you from whining. All the sales are more than 25% off. It's the only time you can tell yourself that all you can eat more than 4000 calories is a must not optional.
2015-12-23 1:29 am
Just another bullshit holiday.
2015-12-23 1:02 am
I have gotten to the point I say Happy Holidays that includes Thanksgiving and New Years.
2015-12-24 4:44 pm
Not ME; I come from a long line of pure Germans !
2015-12-24 4:36 pm
merry 卐mas
2015-12-24 4:10 pm
Why would it be offensive?
It's not like f off or b****? I mean even b**** itself isnt offensive (will explain why if you ask)
Merry Christmas is a friendly seasonable greeting. It's like Have a good day! Or Good day to you! Kind of greeting. I don't know why it would be offensive to anyone
2015-12-24 3:40 pm
2015-12-24 2:46 pm
Not me!
2015-12-24 1:57 pm
I don't think so that Christmas is offensive
2015-12-24 11:06 am
Of course not. It is celebrated even if you're not religious. Its an exuse to be happy, see the lights, christmas songs, and being with family. You dont HAVE TO be religious to celebrate it. To be offended by "merry christmas.." well. There is alot worse happening, my friend.
2015-12-24 9:33 am
2015-12-24 8:31 am
no way is it offence I am Christian and Christmas means Christ Massive Celebration cause of the birth of jesus
2015-12-24 6:17 am
I don't think this is offensive. I have also not heard anyone say this is offensive.
2015-12-24 5:12 am
I dont think it is
2015-12-24 4:22 am
Not at alln
2015-12-24 3:47 am
I've never seen anyone, of any religious background(that includes atheists), anywhere, ever, be offended by "Merry Christmas".
Maybe anti-theists on Reddit might be offended by it. But then that's Reddit.\

Holiday= Holy + Day.
2015-12-24 3:39 am
Nobody who you should want to be around.
2015-12-24 3:15 am
I do
2015-12-24 2:36 am
Anyone who thinks that is an idiot.
2015-12-24 2:23 am
Not me
2015-12-23 11:46 pm
I don't really see myself as a religious person, also I'm a "Dirty Liberal". But I don't find those words offensive. They're just words. I really don't see what the big fuss is with the term "Happy Holidays". "Merry Christmas", "Happy Holidays", it doesn't make a difference to me. I have more things to worry about over the holidays than simple words especially if they're out of kindness.
2015-12-23 11:08 pm
Wtf is wrong with people and political correctness. If it offends you then you are way too sensitive.
2015-12-23 10:52 pm
It's ridiculous that people get offended. If you are offended at the fact that a certain holiday is celebrated heavily where you live, then maybe you should move away to a place where your holiday is more predominant instead of ruining it for everyone else
2015-12-23 10:17 pm
It is correct and apolitical that it is an inoffensive thing to say.
2015-12-23 9:32 pm
Oh for goodness sake! Telling someone "Merry Christmas" is a nice way to celebrate the holiday!
Someone cared enough to say this means that they are being nice. Life's too short to complain about this kind of stuff.
2015-12-23 6:57 pm
Not me
2015-12-23 6:10 pm
Ppl with different religion
2015-12-23 3:22 pm
It's not politically incorrect to wish someone a merry Christmas. You're a christian, we live in America, if that person happens to be Jewish or Muslim just say "oh, happy __(insert holiday here)" if he's atheist punch him in the balls
2015-12-23 3:20 pm
Not me: love people and be kind.
2015-12-23 3:19 pm
No its not offensive at all!

I don't even see how it can be offensive to anyone to tell you truth, think people just taking liberties.

Nobody else gets offended towards another religious holidays.
2015-12-23 3:15 pm
Just curious why you can't say Merry Christmas anymore? I have never got upset when someone said Happy Hanukkah. The way I see it, someone is just wishing good times based on whatever their background is. I think it's very nice.
2015-12-23 1:58 pm
Nobody. Well, maybe SJWs
2015-12-23 10:26 am
If my saying "Merry Christmas" offends people of none or other religious faiths.....they'll either get over it or die hard trying....and I will continue to care less.
2015-12-23 7:19 am
At least in America no one should be offended, they should realize America was a Christian nation in the beginning, unfortunately it's gone down thanks to executive portion of this country. I am all for what you are doing! God bless!
2015-12-23 6:46 am
Not me. We are celebrate Christmas.
2015-12-23 6:33 am
It's not offensive.
2015-12-23 5:36 am
certainly not me
2015-12-23 5:13 am
No, Merry Christmas is not offensive in any way. Even I say not a single festival is offensive of any religion if we can understand the true reason and purpose behind the festival.
2015-12-23 3:52 am
No I don't find it offensive
2015-12-23 3:48 am
I've never seen anyone offended by someone saying Merry Xmas, but I have seen a LOT of people offended by the term happy holidays. It makes me want to say it. A lot.
2015-12-23 12:52 am
I don't.
2015-12-23 12:35 am
If you don't like it that's too bad.
2015-12-23 12:22 am
No why would it be.
2015-12-24 1:35 am
I don’t know have not you noticed that nowadays anything can be offensive. I am already a grandmother and I find it is better to stay silence. For instance it can be offensive to wish somebody “Happy New Year” because not all the New Year date is on the same day. People even suggest that singing Christmas Carols is offensive and have you heard of it?

Why all of a sudden people hate Christians so much? Can it be because of the behaviour of some of the Christians? They preach moral in the name of their God yet they do other such as paedophilia and so on; such as no tolerance of others, disrespect of others, lack humility, criticising gay people, killing people of the abortion clinic, they don’t accept differences, and so on. It is Christians who are the one bring themselves down because some of them behave as if they are sitting next to God.

I am an ex-Catholic and now an atheist because I cannot see why I should continue to be a Christian. I could not enjoy being called a proud Catholic. Rather being a Catholic and be with a God I have chosen to be with people. I have got so fed up. If one cannot accept a fellow human being then where the logic is that one can accept an unknown God?
2015-12-23 11:14 pm
Mostly just Atheists, who hate all religions, but for some reason want to make sure that Muslims feel good.
2015-12-23 9:01 am
It's not offensive, I think it's boring 'Bah humbug!' is a much funnier greeting if you're saying Merry Christmas in protest to people being offended. I think if I were of another religion (I'm atheist but been brought up with the Christian tradition.) I wouldn't mind being invited to enjoy the main season!

Happy holidays, doesn't sound as warm but Christmas is a holy day not a vacation!
2015-12-23 1:04 am
I'm an Atheist and I don't give a **** what someone says to me to wish me a happy Christmas. Christmas ain't about Religion at all to me. You could say "Happy Christmas" or "Merry Christmas" and I wouldn't bat an eye in offence, I'd just reply with, "You too", or "Merry Christmas". It's hardly an issue, especially compared to all the other issues I've got already in my life.

Only reason I don't say "Happy Holidays" is because I find it a very American phrase, and it just doesn't "gel" with me. It doesn't sound right. So when New Years comes around, I say, "Happy New Year!"
2015-12-22 8:35 pm
Misled people.
2015-12-23 1:36 pm
I believe the whole controversy was started off by atheists. They get offended by every little relogious thought or belief, but never admit it. They just pretend to have a "greater" mind and tolerance than everyone else, but it isn't too hard to look through that. Merry Christmas to you and your family. :)
2015-12-23 1:54 am
I am very offended by Happy Holidays and Seasons Greetings, and will not return to shop at any business who refuses to say Merry Christmas. Thankfully, most stores and restaurants our family has patronized this week have used the Traditional greeting. It is after all a National Holiday, which means the whole nation.
2015-12-23 12:32 am
I'm an atheist and get angry when I hear Merry Christmas!
2015-12-27 11:33 pm
Whoever thinks it can go to hell. This is the USA we say Merry Christmas.
2015-12-27 6:09 am
Not offensive
2015-12-26 11:28 pm
Who thinks Happy Holidays is offensive? Only idiots think a saying about having a happy holiday is offensive.
2015-12-26 8:17 pm
The haters
2015-12-26 6:58 pm
Like the saying goes.. "When in Rome act like the Romans" When you go to another country you accept their traditions and be silent! Why should that country change for someone that's choose to go to their country to live! Be offened it your choice BUT.... Accept it and be SILENT and go on your Merry Way! MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL AND TO ALL A GOOD DAY!
2015-12-26 4:49 pm
It may seem offensive to some people for their religion. It may also be, like in my religion for example : It is offensive if you have had any death among your family members in that year or if a great disaster has occurred.
2015-12-26 12:36 pm
Me... I hate merry people, merry christmas, merry maids, merry go rouds.
2015-12-26 12:32 pm
most of people
2015-12-26 5:40 am
No objection here. Although tact may help in how one expresses it. Less in words than in actions.
2015-12-26 2:03 am
If there is such a thing as truth... the truth is that NO ONE finds it offensive. That is yet another manufactured crisis (or Chrisis) brought to you by Fox News.
參考: Grew up Jewish, Still Jewish, Atheist all my life and thought about this always because other people (Christians mostly) told me I should.
2015-12-25 9:56 pm
I just received a Christmas card from my muslim friend and his wife. the printed card was merry Christmas and a prosperous new year. NOT HAPPY HOLIDAYS
2015-12-25 8:50 pm
People find anything to ***** about. Doesn't bother me when ppl say it
2015-12-25 6:18 pm
2015-12-25 6:13 pm
I think people should be able to say whatever they want
2015-12-25 5:42 pm
i dont.
2015-12-25 3:16 pm
2015-12-25 2:55 pm
America that Christianity is the only religion it is ok to talk badly about. A Muslim celebrating Ramadan, or a Jew celebrating hanukkah mentioning it in public would only be met with passive stares or a nod. But a Christian saying something about Christmas has about a 1 in 10 chance of setting off an explosion of anti religious hate, if not in person then later online. Personally I think it's just the result of over privileged people convincing themselves that everyone who follows a mainstream belief is both wrong and oppressive.
2015-12-25 2:23 pm
it shouldn't be offensive to anyone
2015-12-25 1:46 pm
I am Jewish and I have never been offended by any display of Christianity. Any non-Christian who can't handle it is just being childish.
2015-12-25 12:16 pm
What sort of stupidity is this. Such questions are made up to incite hatred. No one finds Merry Christmas offensive. Thanks to the absolute commercialisation of Christmas it's not even a religious saying any more. It's just another marketing slogan.
2015-12-25 11:57 am
I think it's boring 'Bah humbug!' is a much funnier greeting if you're saying Merry Christmas in protest to people being offended. I think if I were of another religion (I'm atheist but been brought up with the Christian tradition.) I wouldn't mind being invited to enjoy the main season!
2015-12-25 11:38 am
Depending on the personality of a person.
2015-12-25 10:32 am
Kindness and understanding can go a long way, no need to get offended over something that has no ill will, bottom line.
2015-12-25 4:08 am
Its Merry Christmas......f()k anyone who thinks otherwise.
2015-12-25 3:05 am
2015-12-25 12:49 am
those with no soul
2015-12-24 8:43 pm
Whoever says that "Merry Christmas" is offensive should jump off a cliff into shark-infested waters.
2015-12-24 6:39 pm
Some people who are really sensitive
2015-12-24 6:24 pm
Hitler and Muslims because there trying to take over out great country and bring middleeastern ways. That will be the day when we nuke all the Middle East and leave them in a forever dust cloud.
2015-12-24 5:26 pm
2015-12-24 5:12 pm
"Happy Saturnalia" or "Dies Natalis Solis Invicti". I am just kidding! Anyway, December 25th has been celebrated long before Christ was born and most likely Jesus wasn't even born on December 25th in the first place. As an atheist, I don't see why saying: "Merry Christmas" is offensive. Most people know it is just a social excuse to relax and burn money for the economy.
2015-12-24 3:59 pm
Muslims or any other religion I would never get offended at their celebrations. It doesn't make sense. I know a lot of people make a big deal about this and it does happen but it's not all. Canada and the USA I believe have created a bit of a mess by being too fair and too politically correct and feel a need to cater to everyone who isn't the majority. It's sad but what's worse are the people who actually complain. They don't appreciate what they have here. I personally haven't met one yet but I'm a small towner and the non Christians really don't give a poo
2015-12-24 2:20 pm
Try: Progressive Liberals
Polotically Correct
Most democrats.
Moslems (a highly sensitive bunch of head cutters)
2015-12-24 1:38 pm
Not me Only follows of any Cult are afraid of Christmas and Us Christians

In Saudi Arabia they tell us that the Holy Bible is so Powerful if you take one into Saudi Arabia they will execute You
2015-12-24 12:02 pm
"Happy Saturnalia" or "Dies Natalis Solis Invicti". I am just kidding! Anyway, December 25th has been celebrated long before Christ was born and most likely Jesus wasn't even born on December 25th in the first place. As an atheist, I don't see why saying: "Merry Christmas" is offensive. Most people know it is just a social excuse to relax and burn money for the economy.
2015-12-24 6:34 am
The jews
2015-12-24 6:31 am
If anyone thinks that "Merry Christmas" is offensive, then political correctness has gone completely out of control. I don't see wishing someone a Merry Christmas as shoving religion down anyone throat. To me, the sentiment of "Merry Christmas" means peace on earth, goodwill towards men and no one should ever be offended by such concepts.../@/..
2015-12-24 4:17 am
I don't think it's offensive, but some country maintain there law & socialism.
2015-12-24 4:07 am
2015-12-24 3:41 am
In the US we have freedom of religion but not freedom from it.
Saying Merry Christmas is no more offensive then saying happy Hanukkah, or Eid sa'di
2015-12-24 3:26 am
Gun violence is much worst
2015-12-24 12:28 am
It's pretty easy for people who celebrate Christmas to say "Merry Christmas" isn't offensive, don't you think?? I think it should be common sense to say something like "seasons greetings" or "happy holidays "...this is simply acknowledging the fact that not everybody celebrates Christmas and it's also called being polite!!
2015-12-23 8:27 pm
I do theirs a lot of pain and suffering in this world for that word to even come up
2015-12-23 7:38 pm
I saw a PBS show telling kids Qwanza is best.
2015-12-23 2:14 pm
2015-12-23 4:15 am
Not me. That's why people should generally say "happy holidays" unless you are with friends/members of your religion.

In public schools they say "Happy Holidays".

Saying "Merry Christmas" to everyone isn't offensive, as it is not saying anything bad about other religions. It is just frowned upon as it can be a bad generalization
2015-12-23 1:13 am
2015-12-24 4:31 pm
I am just kidding! Anyway, December 25th has been celebrated long before Christ was born and most likely Jesus wasn't even born on December 25th in the first place. As an atheist, I don't see why saying: "Merry Christmas" is offensive. Most people know it is just a social excuse to relax and burn money for the economy.
2015-12-24 2:59 pm
IF you do......... LEAVE the USA....
2015-12-24 12:21 pm
The only ones who I think finds it offensive are Muslims, **** those American killers
參考: My belief
2015-12-24 3:04 am
Yea, thanks a lot. I had to read this one time in this year, as my mail filter sorts out everything with "christmas" or "happy" or "hannukah" immediately and doesnt't even send it to trash, but deletes it with no warning. So, really, trhanks a lot.
2015-12-23 10:44 pm
Christmas is a pagan holiday so technically it is 'politically incorrect' to wish 'Merry Christmas' to anyone; atheists, muslims, christians, jews, hindus.... If it is politically incorrect for everyone then either say it to no one or say it to everyone.
2015-12-23 7:27 pm
butthurt white people
2015-12-23 2:49 pm
muslims muslims muslims
2015-12-23 6:03 am
2015-12-23 1:38 am
It's not offensive and your stupid
2015-12-23 12:56 am
Honestly, the only ones who believe in this political correctness crap are crazy liberals. I don't think I would be offended a cup said "Hail Satan!" I would just shrug it off and not go there anymore. I am a christian, so this all just confuses me why people make such a big deal out of this when we have much bigger problems here and abroad, like ISIS and other Islamic terrorist groups.
2015-12-23 1:46 am
Only if you are saying it to a stranger or someone you know is not Christian. If someone identifies as Christian it is perfectly fine. But to assume someone is Christian, then it would be offensive. As for "Merry Christmas" being displayed everywhere I do find this a bit offensive, I think it would be better for people/businesses to use "Happy Holidays."

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