我在美國出生, 持有香港特區護照和美國護照, 想知道 如果訂購往台北的機票是用香港特區護照的號碼, 那我還可以用美國護照出入境台灣嗎? (因為聽說持有美國護照的進台灣是可以免申請入台證 又聽說非香港出生但持有香港護照要去申請入台證)?

2015-12-22 4:23 pm

回答 (1)

2015-12-22 9:53 pm
1. Yes in 2 reasons:

a. You can ask the airline to change the information for you (as soon as it does not involve changing the name for the ticket).

b. How you book your ticket is different from immigration.

2. You are correct.

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