Do clairvoyants have the ability to see God/his actions?

2015-12-22 10:38 am
I was told by a clairvoyant psychic that God was responsible for my past & current troubles and i sort of believe her since the bible talks about Him chastening christians if they sin & well i sinned a while back,so since then terrible crisis struck me to this day.So is it possible that clairvoyants can see Him or his actions?

回答 (7)

2015-12-22 10:56 am
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The spiritual community is so general and capricious. I was a spiritualist for a long time but technically I couldn't call my self a spiritualist because I'm not a Christian. I believed in all the weird stuff floating around a room and magical healing crystals but I drew the line at talking snakes. From my experience of Clairvoyance (and that is vast) I have NEVER had a single medium deliver a message from God or involving God's will. Whether you believe in mediumship or not we all have to agree that it is full to the brim of con artists and picking and choosing between them can be strenuous.

I would dispute the validity of this medium's vague claim. My test is usually if you feel like that message could have been delivered to anyone and they could have found some truth in it or it is something you have no way of confirming or knowing. It's usually not right. Good mediums are specific. Make ballsy choices and give you information to support their claim.

This would be my advice from a spiritualist perspective.
2015-12-22 11:06 am
you are playing with fire....that is considered witchcraft and its' only a joke to the uninitiated and the ignorant....
2015-12-22 10:47 am
forget about sin this is an old catch out for most of us. we are free of sin according to Jesus Himself since He has completed the sin offering on behalf of all humanity( nothing to do with the cross etc.) He came back to earth and carried out this divine cleansing process over some 1800 years.
most clair voyants work on the emotional astral planes and the masters of divine wisdom will not condone these actions. We are all still bound by our own past life karma so work this through as and when you can and all will become wholesome yet again. Om Shantih.
2015-12-22 10:46 am
You can "see" God and understand His Purpose by mean the Insight that He will you if you ask for it, to understand the Bible, His Holy Word...

"So, if any one of YOU is lacking in wisdom, let him keep on asking God, for he gives generously to all and without reproaching; and it will be given him. 6 But let him keep on asking in faith, not doubting at all, for he who doubts is like a wave of the sea driven by the wind and blown about. 7 In fact, let not that man suppose that he will receive anything from Jehovah; 8 he is an indecisive man, unsteady in all his ways" (James 1:5-8. Bible).
2015-12-22 10:43 am
God says not to use clairvoyant If God wants you to understand something He will show it to you
2015-12-22 10:41 am
The physical cannot see the spiritual.
2015-12-22 10:39 am
Clairvoyants cant see their own future ahead of their feet how can they see god and his actions.

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