Is making out with a minor considered statutory rape?

2015-12-22 3:37 am
For curiosity purposes, if someone over 20 makes out with a minor (15 or under) would that be considered statutory rape?

回答 (7)

2015-12-22 4:13 am
Statutory Rape requires penetration
If he touches her breasts or vagina that would be considered sexual assault against a minor, not statutory rape. Still a sex crime but the sentence wouldn't be as long as rape
2015-12-22 4:03 am
No, because you didn't have intercourse with her. It would be considered sexual assault at most.
2015-12-22 4:11 am
No, but it will cause most of your friends to laugh at you. You might as well tattoo an L on your forehead.
2015-12-22 4:05 am
I wouldn't think so... but then again; Ever hear of this show called "To catch a predator"? They arrested people and charged/convicted people as sex offenders JUST FOR CHATTING ONLINE AND OR SHOWING UP to meet a minor. ALL EXCEPT ONE on that show who was brought up on sex charges AND CONVICTED!

On only ONE episode did the prosecutors decide NOT to charge people... when it was ONE OF THEIR OWN who got caught and ended up killing himself when police knocked on his door. Everyone else EXCEPT ONE PERSON was either convicted or ran away before their court appearance... the ones who ran were foreigners who went back home. The one who "got off" spent HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS on legal fees and is STILL known as a predator even though he was acquitted of all charges!

The point is, if they can get people for THAT... then they can probably get you for making out with a minor. They could probably call it "molestation" or "attempted rape". It would probably depend on both the jurisdiction you were living in as well as if anybody was making a big deal out of it or not.
2015-12-22 7:02 am
The normal definition of rape is sexual intercourse without consent. Therefore how can it be rape?

However, you would have to check on the law of where you are to find out what counts as being rape. If you're American, remember that every state has its own law. It might be considered to be another offence. For example, I'm British and it's illegal here, defined as "sexual activity with a minor".
2015-12-22 3:50 am
You might get a slap on the wrist if it's your first time otherwise... Depends on laws where you are.
2015-12-22 3:38 am
Just hope she doesn't tell on you, because you'll be up to your neck in trouble

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