my new GF is vegan?

2015-12-21 11:10 pm
she believes in protecting animals & stuff. and i'm a carnivore. i mean literally. my diet is not much different from that of a tiger! we're starting on the wrong foot here aren't we?

回答 (4)

2015-12-21 11:18 pm
It doesn't have to spell doom. Can you respect her choices? Can she respect yours? Lots of successful couples don't agree on some pretty major issues.
2015-12-21 11:11 pm
I know of a vegan lady who is married to a chef who cooks up lots of meat based meals for himself and their children. She will cook them meat etc without bother. As long as you respect her way of living, it should be fine. Good luck to you both.
2015-12-21 11:16 pm
Yeah man.
2015-12-21 11:14 pm
good luck

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