Did you shave or wax before labor and delivery?

2015-12-21 9:16 pm
I usually shave or at least trim my pubic hair. My induction is scheduled for tonight. I'm kind of nervous about the hair. Did you shave. I feel like I need to because hair can trap odor .. I'm not saying I will stink. But I'm sure the smell of labor and sweat stinks. If you did shave or wax did the itching and irritation make recovery worse for you ?

回答 (4)

2015-12-21 9:19 pm
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I trimmed.

DO NOT WAX. You will regret it.
2015-12-21 9:27 pm
When you are delivering a baby, I promise, no one cares about the state of your pubic hair. And no one is going to have their face right up there either.
2015-12-21 9:22 pm
The doctors are going to be delivering your baby. I'm pretty sure the last thing on their mind is the state of your pubic hair and smells involved. If I were you, I wouldn't worry about it and leave that area alone since birth will be enough trauma. Waxing or shaving may just make delivery worse.
2015-12-21 9:44 pm
Forget about it. If they want the hair off they will shave it off.

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