I have a white german sheperd great dane pitbull mix, is this a good mix?

2015-12-21 4:19 pm

回答 (11)

2015-12-21 5:00 pm
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If it's white have it's hearing checked. You may need to train her to hand signals. Otherwise a mix is unpredictable. It sounds alright. Probably be better without the shepherd but it's a little late for that.
I just saw the picture. She doesn't look white and I hope she doesn't stay in that kennel all the time.
2015-12-21 4:20 pm
What do you mean - a good mix? Its a mix, like any other. If the dog has a good temperament, its ok.
2015-12-21 5:51 pm
It's a mix where I would be concerned about the hips, hearing and vision. Is the skin black or pink? black skin indicates that melanin is there, which is a good thing. With Great Dane and a white dog you do have to worry about the merle gene to be present if a merle or harlequin Great Dane was the ancestor. Dog doesn't look like a Great Dane was in the mix, but I suppose you know one of the parents?
2015-12-21 5:49 pm
what do you mean by good????? a mix is a mix nothing more
2015-12-21 5:06 pm
2015-12-21 4:20 pm
I'm afraid in my book, no messing around with established breeds is 'good'. Sorry. And this doesn't relate to your particular mixed dog. I feel the same about any of the mixing that's going on at the moment.
2015-12-21 4:21 pm
Shepherd, it's a mutt, mongrel.
2015-12-21 5:15 pm
It is a mutt and nothing more,,, sorry but really no mix is a good mix.
2015-12-21 5:03 pm
Are you having him with you?
how is he?
I couldn't find on the net the mix you are having but it sounds like you have a good mix
2015-12-21 4:29 pm
She is gorgeous, and I didn't mix her I adopted her at 8 weeks old , no I do not agree with carelessly letting dogs breed at all. She's got a wonderful temperment and is very protective.

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