If the bible has all the answers, then why doesn't it tell where the snake's vagina is located?

2015-12-21 2:31 pm

回答 (8)

2015-12-21 2:32 pm
Snake's Vagina would be a good name for a band.
2015-12-21 2:33 pm
it does - right next to its vocal cord
2017-03-10 1:41 am
Because you don't need to know, Flaming. The Bible has all the answers we NEED, just like the New York Times has "all the news fit for print." If it won't fit, it doesn't get to print.
2017-02-26 3:41 pm
2016-10-29 4:10 am
It's too unholy to be mentioned
2015-12-21 2:44 pm
I don't think anyone serious claims that the Bible has answers to EVERYTHING. In any case, it has rarely been advertised as a biology textbook.

For example, the distance from New York to Los Angeles is an important piece of information for some people, and it certainly does not have anything to do with sex or whatever else the Bible-talibans don't want people to know.
And yet, that important piece of information is not in the Bible.
2015-12-21 3:47 pm
and why would that information matter to anyone reading the bible?
2015-12-21 2:59 pm
Also, why doesn't it tell us why you refuse to grow up?

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