Cheapest boarding schools in the UK or United States?

2015-12-21 9:38 am
I am from Australia, and my parents and i are looking into boarding schools. I know that boarding schools are NOT CHEAP (so no need to tell me) but what are some of the cheapest ones that you know of? Or ones that will likely give my family quite abit of financial support?

I need it to be coed and preferably non-denominational. It also needs to have students up to grade 12 because i would be graduating there. What are some of the CHEAPEST boarding schools in either country?

回答 (4)

2015-12-21 10:25 pm
When dealing with the "elite" and the stuffed shirts Use the Word Inexpensive, never cheap...

One listing:

12 Boarding Schools Costing Less Than $20,000 Updated October 20, 2015

Compare Most Affordable Boarding Schools
2017-02-26 8:28 pm
Cheap Uk Boarding Schools
2015-12-21 10:29 am
No such thing in USA
2015-12-21 9:56 am
There is no such thing as a cheap boarding school in the UK. Unless you are outstanding st something getting any financial support will be almost impossible.

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