My cat died, could bleach had gotten into his water bowl? 10 POINTS BEST ANSWER.?

2015-12-20 10:38 pm
My cat died three days ago. I didn't know why. When he died, he was in his cage, with only clean water and food. But his cage was put in a bathroom and at that time before, my maid had washed the bathroom and I think she used bleach too. My cat's cage is not very big and the water is near the floor. Could the bleach had splashed into the water bowl and possibly my cat drank it? Because when he died, he was lying weak on his cage, trying to choke something out and foam was coming out his mouth. After 30 minutes, my parents waited for a while to bury him, they said something came out of his mouth, like poison, or something.

What could it be?

Please stop saying it's cruel about me putting him in the cage. Firstly, he is out from his cage MOST of the daytime, playing, running all over. At night time when we all sleep we have an alarm in the house so we need to put him inside the cage. The cage is not THAT small. It has a foodbowl/water and a litter box. He's inside usually at 11pm-5am and 6am he's out until 11pm. Relax. I play with him all the time. He's happy and very healthy. I just don't know what caused the death.

回答 (3)

2015-12-20 10:41 pm
Why was your cat in a cage? That's not normal in itself.
2015-12-20 10:42 pm
You would need the vet to do a necropsy to be sure of what your cat died from, it could have been s poison, or a piece of plastic, string or hair ball he choked on. Just because a cat chokes does not mean it ate piosion.

Why was the cat in a cage in the bathroom, how did the cat use a litter box if it was caged all the time? Why have a cat and then make it live in a cage, it's kind of unfair.
2015-12-20 10:58 pm
probably not the bleach unless your mom hasn't a clue how to use bleach and used fairly undiluted bleach, and even then the cat likely wouldn't have drank enough to get sick. the vapors could have caused some poisoning, perhaps. It seems more likely that your cat had a seizure or something. I am not crazy about the cruelty of keeping a cat in a cage, either. the cat probably died of boredom and lack of exercise.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 15:52:33
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