Who won the debate?

2015-12-20 6:03 am

回答 (9)

2015-12-20 6:04 am
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If your talking about the democratic debate...nobody wins...you can only lose....
2015-12-20 6:07 am
the 3rd guy that no one knows his name.
2015-12-20 6:07 am
None of them, they are all liars
2015-12-20 6:40 am
Considering Trump's name was constantly mentioned, I'd have to say Donald Trump won the Democrat debate.
2015-12-20 6:04 am
Bernie Sanders.
2015-12-20 6:38 am
that's like asking, who won at patty-cake
2015-12-20 6:05 am
2015-12-20 6:03 am
Me :)
參考: Myself
2015-12-20 6:05 am
They all did very well, but Hillary stood out as being the most poised and knowledgeable.

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