Is Dinald Trump related to Donald Duck?

2015-12-20 1:37 am

回答 (12)

2015-12-20 1:47 am
✔ 最佳答案
no he is not although they would make good brothers
2015-12-20 2:45 am
No,Donald Duck might be electable.
2015-12-20 1:39 am
No, but you are to the orangutan she met in Baltamore
2015-12-20 1:39 am
Maybe his uncle Scrooge McDuck
2015-12-20 12:41 pm
2015-12-20 4:44 am
If it looks like a duck - waddles like a duck -
and quacks like a duck - then surely....?
2015-12-20 2:42 am
No he is a close relative of daffy duck and dirthy dick
2015-12-20 1:40 am
LOL 100%
2015-12-20 1:39 am
2015-12-20 1:39 am
Probably not.
2015-12-20 1:38 am
No. And neither is Donald Trump.
2015-12-20 1:38 am
Why not!

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