I'm turning 15 and wanna get high heels. How do i ask?

2015-12-19 4:26 pm
Im turning 15 on xmas eve and wanna get some high heels. I've worn high heels at a "prom" at the end of year six but wanna get some for like everyday wear. I think my parents might let me cos im getting older. I dont mind if they buy it or i do. But i dont know how to go about asking them. If i do get some what size (heel) would be best to start off with? Something that doesnt hirt too much.

回答 (2)

2015-12-19 6:00 pm
✔ 最佳答案
You say "I want high heel shoes for my birthday". THAT'S HOW.
2015-12-19 4:53 pm
Start out with a fairly low heel, maybe 1.5 inches, in a shoe you can wear to school with pants or skirts. I'd suggest something with a strap or lacing rather than pumps, so it'll stay firmly on your foot.

You can just ask outright. "Mom, Dad, I was thinking I might be ready for some high heels that aren't just for prom or special occasions. Something with a heel that's not too high, so I can walk, and not too dressy, so it would be okay for school. What do you think of these?"

Then show them:

(I sorted by heel height at Zappos.com. There's tons more, some of them really cute.) The biggie in convincing them might be that many of these don't have a skinny heel but something thicker or stacked, for more stability and comfort.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 15:56:41
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