No more Suicidal people on Yahoo ?

2015-12-19 2:03 pm
Lately, the daily email message reporting hits on my stored searches for the words "suicide" and "suicidal" have been coming in with NO HITS. I am guessing that Yahoo is preventing them from showing.

To me, this is a stupid move because now the kids have one less place to seek help. I know some people would just encourage them to do it, but Yahoo should go after those people who give bad answers, and not take away an opportunity for someone to cry out for help !!!

Am I missing something ? What is your view ?

回答 (4)

2015-12-19 2:13 pm
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Unfortunately, such questions are probably still being asked. It's just that they're not showing up in search because of the ongoing glitch Y!A has been experiencing. This glitch is affecting all categories and searches too.

You also said that "Yahoo should go after those people who give bad answers, and not take away an opportunity for someone to cry out for help !!!" I agree, but here's my suggestion for how it should be handled. A new option should be added to "report abuse" such as "Threatens suicide or self-harm." When a question is reported with that option selected, the question will be automatically forwarded to a suicide prevention group that Yahoo! should partner with. Trained volunteers working with that group will be the only ones allowed from that point onward to answer the question, and they will also be given the option to delete unhelpful or bad answers submitted before the question was reported.

This way, people who are really qualified to help will be the ones who will answer these sorts of questions.
2015-12-19 2:24 pm
I'm sure it is a glitch that is keeping the search from working correctly.

This is what staff once said regarding suicide questions on Yahoo..

Rest assured we take this issue very seriously. When reporting any suicide-related question, please mark it as a ToS violation (additional details: suicide).

From there, we have to remove the content (a legal requirement) and then we proceed by sending out a special package with advice on how to cope via email.

This information is compiled with input from leading experts in the field.
2015-12-19 2:15 pm
If you are so paranoid, maybe you shouldn't be talking to suicidal people. Yahoo has been glitchy for everyone lately. Like Michael said, suicidal people need to be directed to people who can help them and are trained for that.
2015-12-19 3:08 pm
My view is that with the recent week old glitch (thanks to the doubling the points) people are not commenting at all about being suicidal.

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