Is he avoiding me?

2015-12-19 12:36 pm
Met this guy through mutual friends at a club. After weeks of staring at me and asking friends about me, he finally made the first move. He's a bit outgoing with friends, but more shy with me. Our "thing" lasted 2 weeks. It just got awkward socially so we just stopped texting/talking. This was back in summer. Now I bump into him because we go out to the same place every weekend. At first we'd say hi, but now it's been a while neither of us say hi. I'm just scared to say hi first, if he ignores me or doesn't hear me etc. If we're out in a group of friends, we DO say hi but then just don't speak at all. For me it's because I'm really shy around him, and don't know how to make convo flow, and fear rejection. There's such an awkward tension when we're around eachother. I still like him, but don't show it. I just don't know how to talk to him after alllllll this awkward ignoring, and don't want him to think i'm coming on to him.
I just want it to be normal and friendly between us. Like we talk to everyone else except each other when in groups.
Even if he couldn't care less about me, is that a reason to ignore or avoid me? Personally, if i don't care about someone i'm not shy at all to approach them.
Do you think he's also shy and we're just ignoring eachother for no reason. or?
I want to show him i'm not being a stuck up b*tch who's ignoring him. Which is probably the vibe he gets.
Basically, how do I break the tension (how do I approach him, what do I say)? SERIOUSLY DESPERATE

回答 (2)

2015-12-19 12:41 pm
It's just as much his responsibility to speak.
2015-12-19 12:40 pm
stop fooling him

try sth new

give him a small chance

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 15:51:33
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