Any tips on becoming a better artist?

2015-12-19 8:54 am
I like drawing/sketching, I usually draw anime, but I do like to draw mostly everything, so any tips on becoming better like refining that would be great. thank you

回答 (6)

2015-12-19 9:33 am
Some tips: don't give up, when you start a drawing/painting don't stop until you finish it because you might get in the nasty habit of never fully completing your work later on, step outside your comfort zone a little bit because you might end up liking something other than anime, don't procrastinate or compare your art to others because this will kill you in the art field, practice practice practice! This is crucial if you want to be a better artist. No one ever wakes up one day and decides to have perfect art skills, you have to be patient with yourself because it can be frustrating. And finally, have fun with it. If making art is starting to feel like homework and you're not in art school then I would take a break. If you're forcing it without really feeling it then you're going to have some half assed meaningless art and this might depress you and make you feel like it will never be good enough and that's not a good feeling. Just have fun with it for now. Practice on different mediums, you'll get better as you go.
2015-12-19 9:40 am
If you are truly serious about becoming an artist, then perhaps the biggest thing to take into account is that almost every great artist started out drawing realism. Now I'm not talking about photo-realism, but atleast start by making your drawings look as real as possible. Drawing realism helps refine your skill as an artist, and taches you the finer points in drawing, such as shading using a light source, or even multiple light sources, and line work (and by the way, don't do what a lot of artists call chicken scratch, when drawing lines, practice in the air first, and then draw your line as straight as possible in one go.)

The reason lots od artists start with realism is that most every type of art is derived from it. Once you start drawing realistic faces, mess around with it, simplify it and mess with its proportions, like in anime-manga type drawings, enlarge the eyes and simplify it overall.

But most of all, just practice and have fun. Draw as much as you can, it'll be fine.
2015-12-19 9:06 am
This might sounds really cliche and all but the best way to becoming a better artist is to draw and create every single day you can. even if its just one tiny sketch in your notebook its still a drawing. the more you draw the more you'll improve. also keep what you can, because even if you dont like what you drew a few years ago you can look back on it and see all the improvement! compare old stuff with new stuff, draw as often as possible, experiment and use references when needed, and if you just keep doing that, and dont stop, your art WILL improve over time i promise, even if you dont notice that improvement ar first :)
參考: i am an artist
2015-12-19 9:31 am
you can teach art you cannot teach talent you can become very good by practice but you need that bit extra to be better
2015-12-19 8:58 am
2015-12-19 8:57 am
practise means perfect

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