I want my assignments to be logically ordered by its 'Priority'. I need help to get the rows, logically ordered from top to bottom.?

2015-12-19 4:34 am
I want to make Assingments with '1' priority comes first. (First as in, come top of the lists). I want need help with making a function that automatically arranges the whole table i.e. assignments rows all depending on when their due.

For example: Assingment 'CESIT' is due in 27 days, and it's the in the '3rd' Priority, whereas 'CS' & SDD are in the '1st' priority. I need a function which allows the table to arrange it's self. So for this example it'll be:
1. CS | Date Issued |Current Date | Due by| Remaining days | Priority | Notes.
2. SDD | Date issued.. and so on.

回答 (1)

2015-12-19 6:24 am
Add a new column, and label it "Priority".

Then, insert the Priority number in each Row.

Finally, use the new column to sort your Data.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 15:50:37
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