What is the purpose of money? Wouldn't we be better off without it?

2015-12-18 1:08 pm

回答 (7)

2015-12-18 2:27 pm
Ask the ******* people who invented it of course it would be better without it
2015-12-18 1:49 pm
yes then we would have the option of exchanging goods :)
2015-12-18 1:45 pm
2015-12-18 1:39 pm
not really
2015-12-18 1:27 pm
well if there was no "money" as in coins and notes then there must be some other currency. Because we need and want things we cannot always make ourselves so we get them from other people who can make them. So instead of money we might exchange our own skills or things we can make for other things as a form of currency. but yeah we would be better off without the current thing we call money.
2015-12-18 1:14 pm
Some would be way better off if we simply did one service for another.
Others, such as lawyers, judges, bureaucrats, politicians, ceo's, probably would be dirt poor, because they likely lack useful skills.
2015-12-18 1:11 pm
We probably would

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