Is this dog mites or lice?

2015-12-18 12:44 pm
So about 3 weeks ago i bought a puppy because i was walking on the street and i saw they were selling puppies and i bought one but latley ive been getting these (mosquito like) bites in my knees arms hands fingers etc. so im guessing its the puppy that has lice or mites that are crawling on me and that is dangerous for me and my family so what should i do with that puppy? And btw those mites or lice also get off the dog when she touches something they like jump.

回答 (8)

2015-12-18 12:56 pm
No one, including a vet, can diagnose/treat your dog without examining it, least of all YA, If you're concerned take it to a vet, which you were suppose to do anyway within 48 hours of getting it along with a fresh fecal specimen. Fleas jump. Doesn't matter what the pup has your responsibility to provide proper medical care.

You'll need an exterminator for your premises and a vet recommended preventative.
2015-12-18 2:56 pm
If they jump - then it's likely fleas.

You'll need to go to the vet and get flea treatment for your puppy and also have the vet run a fecal on the dog. If it has fleas, then it most likely is FULL of tapeworms, too! Tapeworms are caused by your puppy ingesting fleas.

So on top of the usual puppy Roundworms, he could be full of Tapeworms (among other parasites).

A trip to the vet is in order to remove the parasites on the outside and living inside this puppy.
They will set you up with a vaccination schedule for the puppy booster vaccinations, and on a parasite prevention program.

A heavy flea infestation can be deadly to a puppy, due to becoming anemic.
2015-12-18 1:42 pm
Take the dog to a vet. He can prescribe treatment for the dog. Once you know what it is, you can get yourself treated, and the house.

Don't bother getting rid of the dog, it won't solve the problem. Whatever it is, clearly has no issues with human hosts, and your home is also now infested.
2015-12-18 1:13 pm
It is most likely fleas. Take the pup to the vet for a checkup, shots and flea prevention.
2015-12-18 2:48 pm
It's fleas. You will have to treat the dog and your entire house. Talk to your vet.
2015-12-18 1:54 pm
Your dog has fleas. Completely normal if the owner doesn't use flea preventatives.

Take your dog to the vet, besides flea preventatives your dog also needs deworming and vaccinations.

The vet will give you a basic crash course on dog health.
2015-12-18 1:32 pm
Fleas are Black and easy enough to see.
The Flea egg looks like a sesame seed.

Mites and Lice are very tiny and hard to see, usually a golden colour.

You puppy needs shots and registered with the city. Might even need to be neutered to save fee costs.
2015-12-18 12:47 pm
They are called fleas. They can get in your home and be a lot of trouble getting rid of.

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