Is my sons report card good enough to go to college? Best Answer=10 Pts!?

2015-12-18 2:46 am
Here is the report card:

1st Period English: BEEZELGOOT, VERONICA B
2nd Period Calculus: SORENS, JANE D
3rd Period Earth Science: MIDDLE, ABBY C+
4th Period Study Hall: FAR-JENKINS, TINA A
5th Period Lunch
6th Period History: WHITTMAN, ANTHONY A-
7th Period French: CAMERON, ANA B
8th Period Art: MODJOB, GUNTHER B+
9th Period Gym: HARRISONS, HANNAH B-

I think this is terrible...but I want him in Harvard or Yale like his big brother. Should I ground him and spank him daily so he does better? It worked on my last son...he was grounded for 7 months and every day afterschool he got 50 spankings and next year he was a straight A Student. Also spanking is legal so I can do that

回答 (6)

2015-12-18 2:50 am
✔ 最佳答案
Posted your son's grades and schedule on yahoo answers...
2015-12-18 2:49 am
uhm wow..and thats how you terrorize a childs memory to achieve his mothers dreams and not his..sure thing once you die they will all
2015-12-18 3:00 am
I really hope you're a troll and there isn't some poor kid out there stuck with you as a parent.
2015-12-18 3:00 am
he has better grades than i did and ive gone to college, youre being too harsh with him, give him a break on the groundings and spankings, you wouldnt want someone to do that to you, do unto others
2015-12-18 2:51 am
I would say those grades are good enough
2015-12-18 2:50 am
yes he is super smart

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 15:50:18
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