What do you think of Womens Liberation?

2015-12-18 12:16 am

回答 (5)

2015-12-18 12:17 am
I'm not interested in the events of the 60s.
2015-12-18 2:03 am
That's what they called it back in the 70's. Feminists got way too radical and messed a lot of things up in our society. The needs of children always must be put first.
2015-12-18 1:24 am
Is being "over-done". They are already liberated.
2015-12-18 1:20 am
Women are already liberated it's a SJW myth that they're not.
2015-12-18 12:20 am
why is this under baby names? and i believe if you need to truly be equal you must take away patriarchy , but woman don't need liberation your not enslaved you need fare wages and if anything equal rights for all .

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 15:49:44
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