Why do i feel so disconnected from everybody else?

2015-12-17 8:03 pm
I always feel not as good as anyone, not as clever, good looking, kind, talented, just a little bit of a failure. i feel like im not lovable and that no one values me, i feel un important and on the outside of everything, i find it really hard to form relationships and i never really connect to anyone. Yesterday i was with a group of people when they said they were meeting someone, they all rushed up to her and hugged her and said how much they loved her. i wonder why no one is that happy to see me, whats wrong with me. i don't think people are that interested in talking to me either, sometimes i feel invisible in life, im 20 years old and i do have a friend who i spend time with but fail to have a proper connection, people say im really kind and one of the nicest people they know. can someone help me. will i ever find a boyfriend or lover, i think i'll never connect with anyone
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回答 (4)

2015-12-17 8:07 pm
The problem is...you don't love yourself. You need to be happy with who you are, this will reflect outwards and people will see it. Relax a little.
2015-12-17 8:36 pm
Maybe you are particular about who you want to get close to
You are not alone
I'm pretty much the same there are very very few people I want to know or even talk to
You will meet someone they will not be who you expect but there will be an intense connection
I don't want people to gush over me I feel that its fake
It does not matter what social media followers you have
Look around ignore age and if you like someone let them know
2015-12-17 8:18 pm
This is not uncommon these days. I read posts like this on here all the time. People get this way through growing up in families in which they are emotionally neglected. It's not who you really are, though, and it is possible to learn to experience life in another way.
2015-12-17 8:15 pm
You have disassociated yourself because of shame and other factors that happen to you when you were younger. Please visit a therapist or a psychologist. I do not want you to deal with what i have dealt with for almost 6 years. Your only 20. Stop wasting time! Listen to me, visit a therapist. It will change your life.

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 15:48:16
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