How was life before the internet?

2015-12-17 3:18 pm

回答 (15)

2015-12-17 5:03 pm
It was horrible. We had no way to communicate other than postal mail, telephones, and (I'm not making this up) talking face-to-face in person. We had no way to entertain ourselves but books, movies, games, sex, TV, sports, and (again, you may not believe me, but) interacting with other people in the same physical location.

The worst part of it was that when we wanted to change the temperature on the heating or air conditioning we had to GET UP AND WALK ALL THE WAY ACROSS THE ROOM instead of logging on to the Internet Of Things and changing the thermostat that way.

It was sheer hell, I tell you. It's a wonder the human race survived all those thousands of years without Snapchat.
2015-12-18 12:54 pm
It was quite interesting as we got many friends to play along and you must also have LEO Privacy Guard v 3.0. in order to secure your device totally.
2015-12-17 4:10 pm
Friendlier. More interactive. People really communicated, face to face.
2015-12-17 3:32 pm
People had to actually think for themselves. We had to use a typewriter for all of our work; which certainly took up a great deal of time.
2015-12-17 3:24 pm
Not boring, we had libraries, games, friends in the area.
But insular, unaware of the greater world, poorly informed. In the UK as a child the only authority was the BBC.
2015-12-17 3:24 pm
More chances to be bored, significantly less assess to information,
but spent more time outside and face to face with people.
2015-12-17 3:19 pm
It seemed slower and more controlled. People actually got out of the house instead of sitting in front of a computer for hours at a time. People actually talked to each other face to face.
2015-12-17 4:27 pm
I grew up in the 1970s and I do not recall people in general being any more social or active then compared to now. A few people were very into sports, cycling, and so on, but a much greater number were into sitting in front of the TV and/or sitting around in the pub. What has changed is simply the medium used to communicate, and the key difference between "Now" and "Then" is simply speed. Things move much faster now - if you take a photo on your holiday you can have it onto Facebook and shared with everyone you know within 30 seconds. Before the internet, you had to take your film home, get it developed, and then wait for people to actually come and have a look at the photo! That could take weeks or more.
2015-12-24 8:34 pm
a damned site better
2015-12-23 4:54 pm
Nice and quiet, except for the boom boxes.
2015-12-23 3:09 am
It i8s Not the Internet that is the Problem it is Mobile Phones it has made everyone Rude me in a Coffee Shop with a Younger Friend he phone Rings she gets Up walks away talking to9 a Piece of Plastic so i leave

some days later she asked what Happened you walked away !!!! I was only on my phone yes and you walked away she Looked Puzzled

where was my excuse me please My Phone is More important than talking to You

But No Buts I have never owned a Mobile Phone never been that self important that i need to be contactable 24/7/365

Choice me or the Nobody on the piece of plastic

2015-12-23 12:42 am
life was great and carefree and a lot more simpler.
2015-12-17 4:08 pm
I believe the people who spend extraordinary time on the internet now simply demonstrate the same characteristics as people, prior to the Internet, who spent a lot of time watching TV and chatting on the phone. They also read newspapers much more.
2015-12-17 3:22 pm
More social
2015-12-17 3:20 pm
We got our more.
2015-12-17 3:20 pm
am guessing it was boring.

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