Iphone in other Countries?

2015-12-17 1:56 pm
I'm going to Korea will my Iphone 6 work in there??

回答 (6)

2015-12-23 7:52 am
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Yep they do.. I live in korea and i bought my iphone 5 in canada but it works well here!!
2015-12-17 2:12 pm
check with your carrier
2015-12-17 2:40 pm
South Korea uses CDMA. So if your iPhone uses GSM (has a SIM card slot), it won't work
2015-12-23 9:46 pm
Yes it will. Here is a link that explains how and why .http://blog.thearrivalstore.com/life-in-korea/will-my-phone-work-in-korea/
2015-12-23 2:48 am
It should, iphones are both gsm and cdma
2015-12-17 2:24 pm
I doubt they even have public cell phone service in a restrictive country like that

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