Is my girlfriend jealous or something? (girls please help!) :(?

2015-12-17 1:06 pm
Basically my girlfriend doesn't like it when girls message me, we've been together just over 4 months. she always says they always wan't to be more than friends, she said to me she is rarely jealous but when it comes to me she is. She talks to a lot of guys because she get's along better with guys because she is a tomboy.

When girls message me and put kisses she hates it and when i put one kiss she has a go at me... She asks me if we can speak to the same sex. So i only speak to guys on social media and she only speaks to girls. I delete all the girls I have on snapchat to make her happy and for us to last and her guy contacts are gone as well.

She says that I'm perfect and when girls message me she thinks they'll try take me away from her, what should i do? I told her she can trust me

回答 (1)

2015-12-17 1:13 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Yes your girlfriend is clearly jealous. As you yourself I'm sure have noticed. She is scared to lose you to another girl because she finds you perfect and is afraid by them communicating & gettin access to you via social media, snapchat, etc and texting too.

That's all it is..she is being possessive & jealous of the fact that you're hers and other girls may want more than friends with you & attempt to steal you away

She's a little bit insecure though, cos if she was secure in her position in your life, she would be more confident & secure enough to let you speak to other girls, snapchat, etc...She wouldn't be so jealous, but lots of girls are like this, need assurance

Good luck. Again, just try to reassure as best & as much as you can that her position in your life is stable & secure. If that's what you really want that is, to keeping her stable & secure in your life with her, which as her boyfriend who loves her, I'm sure you would want her to know that. That she can trust you:)

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