
2015-12-17 11:43 am

回答 (5)

2015-12-21 3:41 am
✔ 最佳答案
啫下, 跟據文獻記載, 是讀吮. 是同形同音同意字.
或可以讀吮下留淫. 即是吮條野, 吮到出左野, 就留下淫邪之物.

大意故事, 都係講當年, 人民為對方留淫之技巧記載.
2015-12-17 1:14 pm

浪費幾十萬港人嘅黃金時般吖 ^^

乜雅虎無雙語即時翻繹服務咩? ? ?
真 失敗 ! ! !
2015-12-17 12:01 pm
To make an Eng judgment based on (MAO's)infer and deduce from the essay,please.
The Mao essay briefly says:-
To draw liquid into the mouth by using the tongue,lips and muscles at the side of the mouth, with the lips tightened into a small hole
Suck means to hold (her) with hands in the mouth and move one's tongue against it esp., so as to brush and swallow it.
eg:-He took a suck at her warm " private part'="under part",下流淫MAO面.
2016-01-15 3:19 pm
2015-12-17 12:10 pm

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