Just had a horrible dream!?!?!?

2015-12-17 5:15 am
Ok so last night was horrible! I fell asleep feeling fan flipping tastic then I had this horrible dream! It started like any other dream not making sense and pretty much nonsense. Then **** got weird.
Suddenly I was at school and so were all my friends and my family then outta nowhere smoke started filling the school. My mom yelled run its your uncle and everyone started running. We ran outta the school but I heard gunshots and screaming then I hung back and tried to distract the guy. I ran and ran and ran trying to get him away then I ran into a dead end. I woke up after that .
What could have triggered or caused a dream like that!?

回答 (2)

2015-12-17 5:31 am
Are you deep down scared of something happening? Like that or even completely different? I mean it could just be because of all the shootings and stuff happening around the world and you were just thinking about it while sleeping. But hey, dreams are dreams. They aren't real. Sometimes when you think they mean something, they really don't. Trust me I know, I've had some awfully vivid and realistic, terrifying dreams before. You're alright. :)

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 21:14:15
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