My cat died yesterday with his mouth foaming, choking and shortness of breathe. A few days ago he bit me playfully, rabies?

2015-12-17 1:22 am
So my cat died yesterday. I'm very sad. He died--his mouth was foaming. Never had a rabies shot.

Since last week I've been feeling sick, flu, tonsilitis, headaches, one time I had sudden chills, a cold. 3 days ago my cat bit me playfully, can it be rabies? But I had been sick earlier though.

回答 (3)

2015-12-17 1:38 am
✔ 最佳答案
I suggest you go see a doctor. If you cat died with those symptoms and she bit you hard enough to break skin and make you bleed, I would get tested, better safe than very, VERY sorry.
2015-12-17 2:11 am
I would get a rabies vaccine and have a doctor do some check ups to be on the safe side. I would say autopsy the cat.
2015-12-17 1:27 am
i doubt it was rabies but on the safe side if i was you i would get a shot for rabies and a tetanus shot just to be safe

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