How do you decide what to major in when you have no clue where to start?

2015-12-16 9:40 pm
I'm a junior in high school and I have to start thinking about colleges. I know colleges let you come undecided but I'd really rather not do that because I feel like I'd be wasting time and money to go when I don't know what I'm doing. So I want to at least have an idea when I start applying.
Nothing I like to do is something I'd want as a job. I like flute and singing but I could never be a professional, maybe a music teacher but idk. I love writing and english teachers have told me I'm really good but I feel like writing as a job would make me hate writing because it'd feel like homework. I'm really good with my autistic brother and young kids in general, but all jobs in that are seem really stressful, emotionally draining, and low-paying.
how do I decide

回答 (4)

2015-12-16 9:43 pm
It is a good thing to decide before you get to college, you're right. You have to do some soul searching and figure out what it is that you love to do that will also help others in a way. My dream career now is something that I thought about when I was much younger, but I was scared and thought I wouldn't be able to handle it. I thought maybe I could find something easier. But now many years later I realize this is what I'm meant to do. Dream big. Whatever your craziest dream is, go for it. Yes it's scary. Yes it will take time. But the time will go by any way. Hope this helped in some way. It's not an easy question
2015-12-16 9:50 pm
Take an online interest inventory that will identify some career choices that fit with your interests and abilities. You can look at the list and see if any strike you. Do a little research to find out what they involve and what education is needed.
2015-12-16 9:42 pm
Business is a good major. It applies to many jobs in the business world.
2015-12-16 9:42 pm
just do something you think you will enjoy doing

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