My boss yelled at me for ordering a lot at dinner?

2015-12-16 1:39 am
The head of the company treated all the employees to dinner Sunday night. Its a big promotions company and there are many divisions. Im in customer relations. We went to the dinner and I was the only one who ordered an appetizer a steak nd a dessert also I got a couple glasses of wine.Everyone else just got salmon or chicken or something. But i figured i was being treated so id treat myself. Anyways i am embaressed my division and my boss, Chad, called me in first thing this morning and yelled at me for embaressing the division by eating like a pig. I dont know what to do because hes treating me bad.

回答 (11)

2015-12-16 1:56 am
Apologize and say it won't happen again. Try not to be such a doofus
2015-12-16 1:43 am
Offer to pay at least for the booze
2015-12-16 1:54 am
If he bullies you tell HR and report him, he should have told you if there were food restrictions...
Agree maybe look for another job, meanwhile keep your head down and work, stay out of his way and don't annoy him, you should never drink too much at any work dinner, not saying you did just saying..
2015-12-16 1:47 am
Employers who treat employees to dinner then complain is not one you want to work for long term. If they have rules about what you can order, they should have told you up front, OR they should have selected the menu for the employees, which is what most companies do.
2015-12-23 3:26 am
You know you took advantage of the generosity of your business dinner host. You even said yourself that you wanted to treat yourself. Well, that is not treating yourself, that is simply being greedy.

You deserved to be called out on your lack of social grace as someone's dinner guest.
2015-12-23 2:27 am
Never order appetizers. Get a main meal. Share a dessert woth a coworker. You learned. Offer to pay the appetizer and wine.
2015-12-23 12:53 am
You may not like it, but your boss can pretty much treat you however he pleases and that includes yelling at you.

At a company dinner such as this, you should not order any more than what everyone else is ordering. If no-one else orders an appetizer, don't order an appetizer and make sure that what you order is within the same price range as everyone else's orders.

You committed a faux pas and your boss was right to be angry with you.
2015-12-16 1:43 am
I would look for another job on the QT.
2015-12-16 1:42 am
When in Rome, do as the Romans do.
2015-12-16 1:43 am
Is Chad the head of the company? if not, tell him to f*ck off because the head of the company wanted you to have whatever you wanted.
2015-12-16 3:26 am
ignore it, learn from it and go back to work.

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