Why is Donald Trump even winning the election right now?

2015-12-16 1:19 am
I feel like this country is just going with him because hes exciting to here in a debate since all he does is articulate his opinion like a 5th grader. He has no negotiating skills, hes willing to ban an entire race/religion over a minority. I get that there needs to be a security reform because of terrorist attacks but Muslims arent the only ones that are doing it, most school shooting and gun attacks are done by white Americans. I also dont get the whole shut down our border thing, immigrants are what run our agricultural division, without them we would be looking at a shortage of workers in agriculture. Im really worried about his foreign negotiating abilities, how is a guy like trump going to stop us from getting attacked by another country, if anything hes making more enemies in the middle east with the things hes saying about Muslims. If we do end up deporting (which i doubt since its unconstitutional) Muslims wont that give rise to animosity and new terrorist organizations? your thoughts please, and it would be cool if everyone could be respectful and have a fair debate.

Spelling correction sentence 1: hear*


I agree with the middle class needing reform though, but I doubt Trump cares about the middle class.


I also feel like most people who support trump just have two things to say " he speaks the truth" "he knows how to lead" "hes a fantastic leader and doesn't worry about being politically correct"- my response to this is you need to be politically correct when it comes to foreign affairs, or else war and misunderstandings happen.

回答 (4)

2015-12-16 2:28 am
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He isn't, moron.

Not ONE vote has EVER been cast for Trump.

If you had any functionin brain cells at all, or any grasp of reality, you'd realize the primaries are NEXT year, and the General Election -- where the winner is decided -- is next NOVEMBER.

Maybe you know someone who has some brain that functions at all, who can discuss the MATH with you, as well. At the MOST, Trump has gotten "support" from about a third of the GOP, who are less than a third of the electorate.

Those who don't support him generally HATE him, and would vote for ANYONE else.

TheCOUNTRY isn't going with him at all, moron.

Polls this far out say NOTHING about how people will actually vote. Most voters decide MUCH closer to when they cast their ballots -- months away.

Yes, yes. He's just a hate-mongering, lying, crazy person. He mindlessly spews whatever hateful lies spring to mind at any moment.

Myself, I was surprised that he didn't take a big hit back when he basically said that all former POWs were losers -- where were all the pro-military and pro-vet people then? They don't seem to have CARED about that remark.

Right. He doesn't negotiate, he bullies. But, seriously, no country is going to try to invade the US. That's just silliness.

Yes, he IS helping Daesh (ISIS) more than anything, with his anti-Muslim speech. He's doing THEIR bidding, by casting the conflict that way -- as "us" against Muslims, and all Muslims as the enemy.

Not to mention that feeds home-grown terrorism, by adding to the hate heaped on US-born Muslims, sending some over the edge into action -- as we've just seen.

I don't think he called for DEPORTING. But he DID say that we should ASK everyone entering whether they're Muslims (yes, that's his great plan for barring them, ASK if they're Muslims -- tee hee) and bar any who say yes.

And, yes, that's unconstitutional.


Not toward Trump.

Nor toward anyone so clueless as to think Trump is WINNING. He isn't winning.

It's EXTREMELY unlikely that he will become prez, or even be nominated. More GOP voters oppose him than support him; and hardly anyone else wants anything to do with him.
2015-12-16 1:27 am
He has a minority of the republican primary voters. People need to drop out.
2015-12-16 1:20 am
HE KNOWS HOW TO LEAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2015-12-16 1:21 am
The cons are mad and would vote for the devil to show Obama something. Anything.
2015-12-16 2:23 am
Donald Trump is not "winning the election right now." In polls that match him head-to-head with Hillary Clinton, he loses to her by ten percentage points.
2015-12-16 1:30 am
2015-12-16 1:50 am
Don't worry. There is a year until the election.
2015-12-16 1:25 am
He's politically incorrect, honest, Conservative, will TRUMP HITLERY and MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!

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