Could I be pregnant? Help please!?

2015-12-15 8:54 pm
My boyfriend and I had sex a week ago, he pulled out when he was about to *** and I've been on birth control for three years. I started my "period" three days ago, but it was lighter than normal but I had cramps like I usually do and I was moody. We also had sex two weeks ago, but he didn't *** at all then. Is this period an actual period or could it be implantation? I took a pregnancy test yesterday and today and they were both negative, but was it too early to test? I have this weird feeling in my stomach around my belly button, but that isn't where your ovaries are. Could I be pregnant?

回答 (2)

2015-12-15 8:57 pm
Take some tests. Protection can fail (obviously).
2015-12-15 9:17 pm
This is at LEAST the 3rd time you've asked...what answer is it you are looking for?

You're on birth control… Which prevents ovulation. Without ovulation, there can be no pregnancy. Add in the fact that he didn't even're not pregnant.

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 15:26:47
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