Does anyone else want to set donald trump on fire, then feed his corpse to the starving masses of humanity at one of his hotel restaurants?

2015-12-15 8:32 pm

回答 (10)

2015-12-15 8:35 pm
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Why do you want to serve wormy meat to people?
2015-12-15 8:35 pm
Now that you mention it.....No. Not at all.
2015-12-15 8:36 pm
Dear me. And here I was beginning to think it was impossible to be more crazed and deranged than Donald Trump. You seem to have proven me wrong.
2015-12-15 8:36 pm
No dear.
2015-12-15 8:38 pm
You must be a communist. Freedom of personal expression seems to drive you into a rage.
2015-12-15 8:34 pm
I do so enjoy how much the far left fear Trump. Makes my day!
2015-12-15 8:36 pm
These idiots MUST be crackwhore liberals.
2015-12-15 8:35 pm
I don't fear him, I know he'll lead to the collapse of america's bourgeois government...I just can't wait to see him set aflame :)
2015-12-15 9:48 pm
No. You can't handle some humor in the elections?
2015-12-15 8:36 pm
Wow. Not in America.

Anyway I think they only did that in cultures where cannibalism is practiced.

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