Did Benjamin Franklin invent electricity or did Nikola Tesla invent it?

2015-12-15 7:37 pm

回答 (14)

2015-12-15 7:41 pm

Electricity was not invented, it was discovered.

Before you ask neither Franklin nor Tesla discovered electricity.
2015-12-15 8:07 pm
Franklin discovered the true nature of electricity; Tesla understood the workings of electricity. ... Franklin was a "Renaissance Man" whose curiosity took him into many areas (inventor of the Franklin stove, of bifocals, the lightning rod, etc.) ... his was a genius of "application"
Tesla discovered a way to *transmit* electricity -- alternating current (AC). Franklin only established a connection between lightning and electricity.

The actual "discovery" of electricity was kind of like discovering fire. It's an ancient thing. More than two millenia ago, the Greeks discovered that rubbing fur on amber caused an attraction between the two, and BOOM that was a discovery of electricity. You also have the "Babylon Batteries" thousands of years ago that created a current.

There is no one guy (or woman) who discovered electricity. We just learned more about how it works and what it is over the past thousands of years. Read the link below, it's an easy read, and informational.
2015-12-15 7:50 pm
Electricity was around since the first electrical storm so nobody invented it - franklin examined its uses and Tesla made easier ways to generate and use it.
2015-12-15 7:41 pm
2015-12-15 7:40 pm
neither of them invented it. it wasn't invented.
2015-12-15 7:39 pm
Neither of them "invented" electricity.
2015-12-15 7:57 pm
Neither..... electricity wasn't "invented"...
2015-12-15 7:49 pm
Electricty was not created by people; therefore no on "invented" it. It was discovered, and not by Franklin or Tesla, athough they were both instrumental in taking note of its properties and improving on theories, or on designs that utilized electricity.
Even the Ancient Egyptians and Greeks knew about electricity. See this link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electricity
2015-12-15 7:45 pm

Tesla discovered a way to transmit or use electricity. Franklin figured out lightning is electricity.
2016-10-03 4:47 pm
Did Benjamin Franklin Invent Electricity
2015-12-27 4:42 pm
No one invented it , the Greeks discovered it, the only thing Franklin did was prove that lightning was electrical in nature. William Gilbert is the earliest in western society to study electricity and the word was first used in 1646.
2015-12-15 8:37 pm
neither one of them INVENTED it
2015-12-15 7:53 pm
It was Leonardo da Vinci who invented it.

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