Who or what do you believe will save you from hell?

2015-12-15 5:31 pm

回答 (15)

2015-12-15 5:32 pm
To die in Christ.
2015-12-15 5:32 pm
The non-existence of hell.
2015-12-15 5:35 pm
do you honestly believe in such childish fantasy as a red, horned man, living at the center of the earth ?
2015-12-15 5:33 pm
No one, I was doomed from the start. I don't mind it though.
2015-12-15 5:45 pm
2015-12-15 5:36 pm
Who said i wanted saving ....
2015-12-15 5:34 pm
My flame resistant clothing
2015-12-15 5:33 pm
If she can't....no one can......
2015-12-15 6:35 pm
I will
2015-12-15 5:46 pm
2015-12-15 5:45 pm
Getting anal sex by a priest
2015-12-15 5:42 pm
What says there's hell? What's scarier. An existence of pain and suffering or not sensing any emotion ever again.
2015-12-15 5:39 pm
Intelligence, by knowing that there is no evidence of hell and no reason for there to be a hell and that hell was an idea invented by the church to enforce obedience. It is probably the same thing that is going to save you from flesh eating unicorns.

If it is not real, it is not going to get you.
2015-12-15 5:34 pm
Reality will save me from imaginary places.

Will anything save you from your delusions?
2015-12-15 5:38 pm
My get out of hell free card

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