Donald Trump Behavior like .......??

2015-12-15 11:26 am

回答 (7)

2015-12-15 11:32 am
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Bicycle pump .....
2015-12-15 11:54 am
Trump is playing a game. press the buttons that the peasants are talking about. It worked for Hitler and it worked for Lenin
it always helps if there is a slump or economic crisis, because the politico can find a simplistic scapegoat and create an 'us or them' situation..... casually ignoring the fact that he has nothing in common with the average man on the street.

the only dodgy point is, do enough average people want to side with the billionaire trump and blame all their woes on immigrants and muslims?

I dont think enough people are that stupid.... not enough for trumpo to be elected
[although this is America we are talking about, a retarded, parochial state, so he may have a chance]
2015-12-15 12:16 pm
rich boy left 40 million when his dad died surrounded by hired yes men a guy who's never been told no in his life
2015-12-15 11:39 am
A spoilt child having a bad hair day...?
2015-12-15 11:42 am
A man who knows what he is talking about, he is saying what a increasing number of people are thinking
2015-12-15 11:46 am
He's his own man, he's not just someone taking the standard route to the Whitehouse.

I prefer that brain surgeon though. Being US president isn't brain surgery, so he should be able to do it.
2015-12-15 12:16 pm
Go on - finish your question. For me the man is nuts and I for one, just hope the majority of Americans see that before it's too late and he's elected. But the track record isn't that great is it - George Dubwa and then Obama who was supposed to be going to be the answer to everything, as far as many people thought..

收錄日期: 2021-05-02 11:23:06
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